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以翰墨為佛事 : 南宋書家張即之研究 = Calligraphy techniques as means of buddhism cultivation and circulation : a study on southern song calligrapher zhang jizhi

嚴崑晉 (國語文學) 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班 民100[2011

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  • 題名:
    以翰墨為佛事 : 南宋書家張即之研究 = Calligraphy techniques as means of buddhism cultivation and circulation : a study on southern song calligrapher zhang jizhi
  • 著者: 嚴崑晉 (國語文學)
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 張即之 書法 寫經; calligraphy sutra transcription Zhang Jizhi
  • 描述: 南宋書家張即之承父恩蔭授官,然於五十一歲提早致仕,里居三十年,自適園池之樂。面對南宋末年如此動盪腐敗的世局,既無能為力又不願同流合污,藉由多次書寫屈原〈九歌〉與杜甫詩,將心中孤悶、憂國憂世的心情,寄託於翰墨之中。又由於對佛法虔誠的信仰,一生書寫大量佛教經典,以翰墨為佛事,以寫經為日課,作為對佛法的修持,期望藉由寫經能使自己執情不作,迥脫根塵。南宋書家張即之承傳張孝祥家學,又取法唐宋諸賢而自成一家,其筆力剛強、斬釘截鐵、粗細互作、古拙雋逸等書藝特色,使其享譽當世,即使敵對的金國,亦重購其字蹟。尤其寫經之作更勝出於隋唐人寫經,開啟獨具個人藝術風格的新頁。由於其以楷書為創作的主要表現型式,有別於以行草書為主體的北宋四大家,故能獨樹一幟,承接唐楷重法度的書風,在有宋一代書壇上具有重大的意義。張即之書蹟於後代,隨著書壇主流對象不同而有兩極化的評價,然後世仍有不少學宗其書者,其書蹟亦因禪僧流傳至日本,而為日本書壇所寶愛。 Inherited a government position from his father and deceased at the early age of fifty-one, Southern Song calligrapher Zhang Jizhi had lived in his hometown for thirty years and enjoyed a cozy life of traveling, raising trees and fish. Facing the corrupt and dangerous political environment in the late Southern Song Dynasty he was neither capable to change nor wanting to comply. For several times, he transcribed the “Nine Songs” of Qu Yuan and the poems of Du Fu to express the mood of loneliness and worries by his calligraphy works. And out of his piety in Buddhism, he devoted himself into transcribing Buddhism sutras all his life, to use calligraphy techniques as means of Buddhism cultivation and circulation. Through writing out sutras as his daily wor
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班,100學年度
  • 建立日期: 民100[2011
  • 格式: 221面 : 圖,表 ; 30公分.
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
