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《後宮甄嬛傳》小說人物形象研究 = The Research is a Study of the Character's Image in 〝Empresses in the Palace〞

曹恆馨 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班 民104 [2015]

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  • 題名:
    《後宮甄嬛傳》小說人物形象研究 = The Research is a Study of the Character's Image in 〝Empresses in the Palace〞
  • 著者: 曹恆馨
  • 國立臺南大學 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 後宮 甄嬛傳 宮廷婦女 人物形象; palace empressesinthepalace palacewomen character'simage
  • 描述: 本研究探討的人物故事文本為《後宮甄嬛傳》,這是一部架空歷史的小說。內容雖為杜撰的大周王朝時期,但其敘寫架構卻是中國古代封建社會,表現那個時代背景下的社會文化面貌。這是一部描寫在父權體制與封建王朝中,集權力與富貴於一身的中國最上層社會,帝王貴族與嬪妃的愛恨情仇及後宮百態。而身處後宮這樣一個險惡黑暗、人人鬥爭算計,為了情慾、權慾與生存慾不斷拼搏的環境中,不同個性特質的人物如何衍生出自己的生存之道;本研究所要探討的便是在《後宮甄嬛傳》此一文本裡,每個角色如何在後宮中自處、應對進退的型態特色。 本研究的首要之務就是把人物先以性別作區隔,因為在後宮體制之下的性別差異,對人物的價值觀與情態都具有相當程度的影響力。再者,依照文本描述的人物姿態動作、獨白對話,對其性格特質進行定義和分類,然後再進一步探討人物的行為態度及其背後的成因。 除此之外,針對文本中的人物角色之敘寫手法,本研究也將其納入分析的範疇,依次分為服飾配件、外在形貌、姿態動作,並探討該文本中和人物相關的物件、宮殿、詩詞等意象,及代表該人物之動植物的背後象徵意涵,進一步探討文本中的人物角色之寫作技巧。 在對整部文本之人物角色進行深度剖析後,可發現除了人物刻劃的細膩處理之外,許多精微之處亦可窺見作者的巧思用心,而本研究則是肩負揭露此一高妙設計的要務。.
    The research is a study of the character's image in 〝Empresses in the Palace〞 which is base on alternate reality. Although the story was describing dynasty , it was actually telling ancient Chinese feudalism as well as the culture of the society at that age. It brings out the paternal system of Chinese royal society which had a lot of powers and wealth through the story of love and hatred between king and his imperial consorts. The life of the imperial consorts is dark and merciless, they have to compete with each other for love, powers and right of survival with their own skills. This research tells how different people will adapt into it with their own characteristic back in the palace. The research begins by categorizing the characters by their gender due to its important influence to people’s living values and relationships. Later the characters are further defined according to how they act and the way they talk which have different meanings in behind. Consequently, this research had also analyzed the author’s writing skills in depicting all these characters according to their costumes, how they look and the way they act by narrating the things, palaces, poems even plants or animals used as symbolic meanings to represent the characters. After thorough analysis of the characters, each of them have their own story to tell in great exquisite, and we could discover a lot of hidden details that was well written by the author which is another highlights of this research..
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學國語文學系國語文教學碩士班, 104學年度
  • 建立日期: 民104 [2015]
  • 格式: vii,192面 : 圖 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
