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3D環景影像電腦技術應用在英語教學上成效之研究 = Research on the effects of English teaching with 3D panoramic computer skill application

張紹元 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技學系碩士在職專班 民107[2018]

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  • 題名:
    3D環景影像電腦技術應用在英語教學上成效之研究 = Research on the effects of English teaching with 3D panoramic computer skill application
  • 著者: 張紹元
  • 國立臺南大學 數位學習科技學系碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 3D環景技術 自我學習 學習成效 AR VR; 3D panoramic computer skill self-learning learning motivation AR(Augmented Reality) VR(Virtual Reality)
  • 描述: 本研究主要在探究在英語教學中,傳統的圖片閃示卡片、投影機與新興科技媒體,如平板、3D環景技術等教學方法與設備之差別與成效之比較。雖然這些科技設備已被研發許久,但大多被應用在遊戲領域居多,尤其像是AR、VR技術也是最近許多廠商爭相較勁。在英語教學這領域中,以往的學術論文中有結合科技媒體,甚或使用這些遊戲的程式設計技術來教實際教學現場中的案例不多。即使有融入這些資訊技術於教學,但其中的優與劣、正向或負面的看法仍有其各支持的一派。   「3D環景影像電腦技術」是目前應用最廣泛的電腦技術之一,尤其是應用在世界各地博物館的網路線上導覽功能中。但由於這僅是單人、單方面的自我操作,而操作的人也以走馬看花的心態瀏覽與欣賞,沒有達到近一步的「自我學習」階段。「3D環景影像電腦技術」這項技術之所以適合運用在英語教學現場的主因有幾個要點:一、學生如臨現場般可細細端詳各種場景,透過整體到局部的觀察,以及不同的角度、視野看到有別於書本上被框框囿限的圖(照)片。二、當學習者透過此技術自我學習時,也許若有人能在旁引導學習,透過仿實境的對話互動,這樣的學習模式是否能增進學生的學習動機與學習興趣,值得更進一步探究與了解。   本次實驗研究使用電腦平板與3D環景影像電腦技術的APP軟體結合,學生透過跳脫框架的自我探索學習,不僅有了全新的自我思考模式,且可從活動中立即獲得回饋。於是,可以從得到的結果數據中看出,使用3D環景影像電腦技術及設備學習和透過傳統平面圖卡或投影機輔助教學的學生比較起來,不論是在學習動機上,甚或是學習成效、學習意願上,都有顯著的正向成效。另外,部分
    This study mainly discusses about the difference among the traditional flashcards, projectors, and new technology mediums of Tablet PC and 3D panoramic computer skill, and sees the effects by comparing with them. Although these technology equipments have been designed for many years, most of them have beem used on games. For instance, lots of companies have competition between the skills of AR and VR. In the English teaching area, it's not common to see those technology skills or the programs of the games using in the real teaching classes from some research papers. Even if some classes have been used these computer skills in teaching, there are some issues between advantage and disadvantage, positive and negative.   Nowadays, the 3D panoramic computer skill is in widespread used for the on-line tour in many museums around the world. However, most of the service skills are limited to operate singly or by one person. The operator browse the websites randomly without having the self-learning situation. The main reason that the 3D panoramic computer skill is suitable for using in the English teaching area is as follows: First, students can observe all the different places in detail as they're on the spot. From the whole place to the partial place and in different angles, students can see the different objects which can't not see in the normal picture of the book. Second, learner can have self-learning via this technology skills, and they might have more interactive dialogue with the others. Moreover, it is worthy to discuss and realize further whether students can increase their learning motivation and interests.   Through the process of the research and compare the students who use 3D panoramic computer skill and equipment with those students who use the traditional flashcard or projectors, we can see the data that students' learning motivation is much better, even with obvious and positive effects in the learning effects and learning willing. However,
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學數位學習科技學系碩士在職專班.106學年度
  • 建立日期: 民107[2018]
  • 格式: iv,ix,34葉 : 圖 ,表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
