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數學回憶單對高職一年級等差數列及等比數列學習成效之探討 = The investigation of introspection on math achievement of the first grader of vocational high school in arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence

柯予智 國立臺南大學 應用數學系碩士在職專班 民109[2020]

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  • 題名:
    數學回憶單對高職一年級等差數列及等比數列學習成效之探討 = The investigation of introspection on math achievement of the first grader of vocational high school in arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence
  • 著者: 柯予智
  • 國立臺南大學 應用數學系碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 數列與級數 數學回憶單; sequence and series mathematical introspection sheet
  • 描述: 本研究主旨在探討「數學回憶單」對於高職一年級學生數學學習效果之影響。藉由研究者自行設計的「數學回憶單」於課程結束後給學生書寫。以台南市某高職一年級建教班學生共44名為研究對象,其中實驗組22人,接受「數學回憶單」的書寫活動;控制組22人,接受「傳統數學教學」。實驗時間自實驗準備期到實驗後期分析共6個月。本研究教學實驗單元包括高職數學的「1-1等差數列與等差級數」、「1-2等比數列與等比級數」。實驗結束後進行學習評量測驗及回憶問問卷填寫,並將成績以SPSS軟體進行t檢定的統計分析方法,探究實驗組與控制組的數學學習成效之差異。並透過回憶單問卷調查,以便瞭解學生對於數學回憶單書寫活動的感受。茲將主要研究結果摘述如下: 一、數學回憶單可以顯著提昇高職一年級建教班學生在學習評量成效上差異。 二、數學回憶單對高、中分組學生的學習有明顯差異,對低分組學生無明顥差異。 三、寫數學回憶單不會造成學生壓力,普遍呈正向支持的態度。.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of a mathematical introspection sheets writing activity on improving the learning effect of the first graders in vocational high school. The subjects of a total of 44 students were divided into the control group of 22,instructed with the mathematical introspection sheets writing activity and the experimental group of 22,adopting the traditional mathematical teaching method. After six months of respective teaching on`arithmetic sequence,'and`geometric sequence,'the two groups are compared on their leaning achievements by spss t-test. In addition, questionnaires are conducted to better understand students'opinions on this writing activity. The main results are as follows: 1. The Mathematical introspection sheets is proven to be effective in students'learning of students under a cooperation- education class. 2. The writing of the mathematical introspection sheets showed no significant learning effects on low-score class;the mathematical introspection sheets showed significant effects on mid-and-high-score class in learning. 3. There is no pressure for students and the learning attitude is positive in writing the mathematical introspection sheets..
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學應用數學系碩士在職專班.
  • 建立日期: 民109[2020]
  • 格式: 172葉 : 圖 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
