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以小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法對國中九年級學生三角形的外心、內心與重心單元之成就與動機影響之研究 = The influence of cooperative learning with team-ranking-tournament into learning achievement and motivation of circumcenter, incenter and triangle centroid for the ninth graders

蔡德利 國立臺南大學 應用數學系碩士在職專班 民110[2021]

可在 府城總館  2樓參考書區  (DC ME 109015 )取得(請點選下列選項)

  • 題名:
    以小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法對國中九年級學生三角形的外心、內心與重心單元之成就與動機影響之研究 = The influence of cooperative learning with team-ranking-tournament into learning achievement and motivation of circumcenter, incenter and triangle centroid for the ninth graders
  • 著者: 蔡德利
  • 國立臺南大學 應用數學系碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 小組積分競賽 合作學習 三角形的外心 內心與重心 學習動機; team-ranking-tournament cooperative learning circumcenter incenter and triangle centroid learning motivation
  • 描述: 本研究主要目的在探討以小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法對國中九年級學生在三角形的外心、內心與重心單元的學習成就及學習動機的影響,及學生對小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法的感受與教師的執行困難,希望能提供國中教師未來在數學教學上的參考。 本研究採準實驗研究法,研究的樣本取自臺南市永康區某公立國中九年級二個班級共55位學生,其中一班為實驗組,實施小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法;另一班為對照組,實施傳統式講述教學法,進行為期兩週的教學。量化分析方面,對實驗組與對照組學生進行研究者自編的「三角形的外心、內心與重心成就測驗」,並對實驗組學生進行「數學學習動機量表」前後測驗,運用SPSS 21.0版統計軟體和Excel文書處理軟體來分析研究資料,在成就測驗部分,採用兩組的同質性檢定與共變量分析,在動機量表部分,採用前後測成對樣本 檢定;質性分析方面,在教學實驗結束後,實驗組學生填寫課後回饋單,並參考實驗組學生在「三角形的外心、內心與重心成就測驗」的成績,由高、中、低分組三組中各選取二位學生,總共六人進行半結構式晤談。深入了解學生在接受小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法後的感受,及教師所遭遇的執行困難。 歸納分析結果,得到以下結論: 一、 接受小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法與接受傳統式講述教學法,對國中九年級學生在三角形的外心、內心與重心單元之學習成就有顯著差異。 二、 以小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法,對國中九年級學生在三角形的外心、內心與重心單元之學習動機沒有顯著差異。 三、 利用小組積分競賽融入合作學習教學法,對國中九年級學生在三角形的外心、內
    The research aimed to understand the influence of cooperative learning with team-ranking-tournament into learning achievement and motivation of circumcenter, incenter and triangle centroid for the ninth graders, students’ feelings toward this teaching method, and the difficulties teachers encountered. The researcher hoped to provide some suggestions as well. The research utilized quasi-experimental research. The samples were 55 students from two different classes in a junior high school in Yong Kang District, Tainan City. One of the classes were experimental group, who were taught with cooperative learning with team-ranking-tournament; the other class were control group, who were taught with two-week traditional lecture. As for the quantitative analysis, students of both groups were tested with circumcenter, incenter and triangle centroid achievement test, while students of experimental group were tested with mathematics learning motivation scale (pre-test and post-test). All the data were analyzed with SPSS 21.0 and excel. As for the achievement test, the researcher used test of homogeneity and ANCOVA. As for the motivation scals, the researcher used paired sample t-test. As for the qualitative analysis, students of experimental group filled in feedback forms. According to their grades, students were divided into three groups—high, mid, and low—and chose two of them from each group and had them take the semi-structured interview in order to know their feelings and the difficulties teachers encountered. According to the analysis, the results were as follows: 1. Learning achievement had significant difference between cooperative learning with team-ranking-tournament and traditional lecture. 2. There was no significant difference between learning motivation and team-ranking-tournament. 3. The difficulties were as follows: A. Students’ feelings: a. Most students’ attitude toward math turned negative into positive. b. Most students belie
  • 出版者: 碩士論文--國立臺南大學應用數學系碩士在職專班.
  • 建立日期: 民110[2021]
  • 格式: [14],121面 : 表 ; 30公分..
  • 語言: 中文
  • 資源來源: NUTN ALEPH
