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蔡蕙芳; Tsai, Hui-fang 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蔡蕙芳; Tsai, Hui-fang
  • 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 諺語; 農業; 臺南; 民間文學; 節氣; agriculture; Tainan; folk literature; proverb; solar terms
  • 描述: 臺灣以農立國,農業為早期居民主要的經濟活動。臺南因其地形、氣候等先天優良條件,加上後天的水利建設,使其具備發展農業的優越條件,也因此成為農業大縣。 語言是文化的一部分,它反映民族的歷史、文化,蘊藏著人民的思維、智慧與生活方式。諺語屬於民間文學,是一種民眾表現實際生活經驗或感受的話語,是民眾實踐經驗的總結。在農業活動眾多,農村色彩濃厚的臺南,不難發現許多農業諺語,有指導農事生產與活動的時令、氣象和作物諺語;有農民主要副業的禽畜諺語;有與農耕息息相關的農具諺語;也有反映農民宗教信仰的諺語。 諺語主要以口耳相傳,為了便於記憶與流傳,這些農業諺語具有簡要凝鍊、結構整齊、音調和諧、具修辭之美等特色。部分諺語在文字上有高度的相似度,具有民間文學沿襲性的特徵。臺南農業諺語反映農民順應天時的人生觀,顯示作物生產的地域性,諺語中呈現的家庭教育觀、人生觀、待人處事觀、宗教觀,更是人們立身處世的智慧語。 農業諺語傳承農業活動與農民生活的經驗與智慧,具有文化、文學、科學與教化的價值。受到產業結構的轉變與農業政策的影響,許多農業活動已漸漸消逝,連帶著寶貴經驗結晶的農業諺語也隨之逐漸消失,因此將此寶貴的文化資產保存下來是刻不容緩的事。
    Agriculture is the main economical ways of the early habitants in Taiwan. There are extensive and plain land, mild climate and well-found hydraulic systems that make Tainan become suitable for agriculture. Language is a part of culture that reflects people’s history、culture、thoughts、wisdom and the ways of living. Proverb is a kind of folk literature, and is also a kind of language that people show their practical living experiences and feelings. The farmers had many activities about agriculture , and therefore produced lots of kinds of agricultural proverbs, such as about solar terms、domestic fowls、agricultural appliances and religion. People spread these proverbs by colloquial language to be easily memorized and spread out. These agricultural proverbs are features of simple、neat construction、harmonious tones and the beauty of speech. Parts of proverbs are highly similar in words that own the features of folk literature, and reflect farmers’ value of life、family、religion and wisdom to the society. However, lots of agricultural activities has disappeared because of the changes of industrial structure and the effect of agricultural policy. That results that the precious proverbs have vanished gradually from the daily livings. Preserving the great assets is of great urgency.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
