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葉雅萍; Yeh, Ya-ping 張惠貞; none; 國語文學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 葉雅萍; Yeh, Ya-ping
  • 張惠貞; none; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 陶淵明; 元散曲; 隱逸; Reclusion; Tao Yuanming; Yuan Sanqu
  • 描述: 陶淵明一生,雖然毫無事功業績可言,畢竟以其辭官歸田,又不應徵命,隱逸以終,在歷史上留名。他是我國詩史上有名的隱逸高士,以「田園詩人」、「隱逸詩人」之稱顯名於後世,其人品及詩品皆引起後世學者的高度關注,特別是他由仕到隱的人生轉折,終其一生「固窮」卻不悔其志,以及自然沖淡的詩賦藝術技巧,表現出超逸群倫的生命情趣與人格境界。 元人對於陶淵明的接受,首先是因為生命情境的相似,異族統治下的文人時不我與、懷才不遇;其次是陶淵明人格魅力的折服。故元人散曲中,有以陶淵明為主題、整首詠淵明的,內容大多約述其生平行事,而歌頌其人品志節,欣羨其生活的閒逸自適,顯示淵明在他們心目中的地位,可謂是他們異代知己、精神上的歸宿。
    Though there was no big feat being achieved during the life of Tao Yuanming, however, his resign from the office to return to the country life and accepted the fate to live in reclusion for the rest of his life have made his name remembered in history. He was the most famous recluse poet in Chinese history and was known as “Pastoral Poet” or “Recluse Poet” to the later generations. His personal character and poem character have drawn highly concern of the later scholars. His turning from a politician to a recluse at certain point of his life and stayed being poor the rest of his life without changing his mind, and the skill of poet art strengthened up by nature have allowed him to present the incomparable sentiment of life and personality condition. The acceptance of Tao Yuanming by the people of Yuan dynasty was mainly due to the similarity on the sentiment of life of the underappreciated of the scholars under the ruling of the other country, besides, they have being impressive on the personal character of Tao Yuanming. Therefore, there were many taking Tao Yuanming as the theme or the praising Tao Yuanming for the whole piece of work on the Sanqu of the Yuan dynasty, the contents of which mostly were description of his life and story, that lauded his character and morality, appreciated his leisure and reclusion on everyday life. These all pointed out how Tao Yuanming took a place in their heart, which Tao can be called their bosom friend at different dynasty or their spiritual destination.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
