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林容萱; Lin, Rong-xuan 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林容萱; Lin, Rong-xuan
  • 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班
  • 主題: 大學教師評鑑; 個案研究; Faculty evaluation; Case study
  • 描述: 一、T大教師評鑑乃因應教育部教學卓越經費與大學法之修正,由學校主動規劃執行,形成過程行政人員與教師之間產生認知落差。二、T大教師評鑑制度乃透過實際執行,逐步發現問題後予以立即修正與解決,形成過程出現溝通、宣導與適法性之問題。三、T大於教師評鑑之形成初期由教學發展中心負責,實施歷程則將資源逐漸整合與分工於各單位。四、T大教師評鑑的目的為人事績效考核並配合學校階段目標。五、T大教師評鑑制度之內容初期參照別校,逐步修正其獨特性,使評鑑內涵要求全方位之教師。六、T大教師評鑑制度仍以教師自評為主要實施方式,評鑑執行朝向標準化與統七,評鑑技術屬於「做中學」之發展階段,七、T大教師評鑑的使用以比例淘汰方式,分年度評鑑與總評鑑為學校獨有之特色,但評鑑結果多為處罰尚缺獎勵與完善輔導機制。八、教師評鑑的配套措施之形成乃新衍生出或者將原有之辦法修訂,以符合獎優汰劣之原則,並以升等與產學為導向。九、T大的教師評鑑內容為基礎考核,優良表現列入獎勵,強調研究項目與計分之關聯性引導學校之特色。十、T大落實教師評鑑制度而獲得教育部教學卓越計畫之補助,成果優良,同時提升學校管理之效能,督促教師完成教師基本應盡之任務。十一、多數的教師考量工作權益,雖不認同但願接受現有之教師評鑑制度。十二、教師為因應評鑑時容易轉移重心於研究,教學與研究時間相互排擠,容易影響學生受教權益。十三、教師表現在外的行為是接受評鑑制度,但受訪教師對學校權力之掌控均感威脅,績效責任導向的評鑑使受評教師以評鑑的「局外人」身分被動接受。十四、教師認為教師評鑑應具有一定方向性,不認同淘汰機制,對輔導配套與專業成長有所期待。十五、教師們對於評鑑指標的實質成效、分數與可得性等產生爭議,學校可對評鑑細則再行修訂。
    1. The system of faculty evaluation in T University is based on excellent teachings from Ministry of Education and the modified version of university regulation. T university has implemented the system prematurely, and lacks of consensus and participation in the planning process among the faculty.2. The system of faculty evaluation in T university modifies and resolves questions immediately by after practical executing and finding problems.3. The center of education development takes charge of faculty evaluation in T university when the system was initiated. Then the center allocates and combines resources into every department gradually. 4. The purpose of faculty evaluation in T university is to evaluate person''s efficiency and matches up stages of school’s goal. 5. The contents of the system of faculty evaluation in T University consult from other schools in the beginning, and then it is modified and becomes uniqueness. The subject of evaluation requires all-inclusion teachers. 6. The evaluation system mainly uses the evaluation by teachers themselves, and its executive is toward standard and unification. The evaluation skills belongs the stage of developing of “being middle schools”. 7. The evaluation system eliminates faculty through ration. The evaluations practices between academic and overall years are as the school’s specific character. However, the results of evaluation become punishment-orientated instead of giving reward and well guidance for faculty.8. The form of complete set of evaluation is from the modification of new coming or original methods and combines the policy of faculty quality-bad elimination. In addition, the promotion and industry-university cooperation are regarded as the evaluation’s direction. 9. The content of faculty evaluation in T university is basic achievements inspection. The school gives rewards for excellent faculty. They emphasizes research projects and related scores as the character of school. 10. T university accomplishes the faculty evaluation successfully and gains excellent planning education funds from Ministry of Education in Taiwan. At the same time, there are improving the efficiency of management of school and urging teachers to complete their basic responsibility for teachings. 11. Although most teachers are not satisfied with the evaluation system base on their working right, they choose to accept it. 12. Teachers easily focus on research due to present faculty evaluation rather than teachings. The reason causes to ignore the right of students’ leanings.13. In spite of teachers apparently follow the evaluation system, they who are interviewed felt threatened from controlled by school’s power. The faculty evaluation which is for responsibility of achievement inspection makes teachers who are evaluated regarding as “outsider” to accept the system reluctantly.14. Teachers think that the faculty evaluation needs to have the established direction and don’t recognize the present way of faculty elimination. They look forward to having perfect assistant complete set and expertise improvement for the faculty evulation.15. Teachers debate on the effect of evaluation index, scores and its availability. The school should more modify the faculty evaluation.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
