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吳宗勳; Wu, Tsung-husn 洪碧霞; Pi-hsia Hung; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳宗勳; Wu, Tsung-husn
  • 洪碧霞; Pi-hsia Hung; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班
  • 主題: U化學習模式; 科學探究素養; 科學提問能力; 學習成長; 實驗效益; scientific-questioning ability; scientific inquiry literacy; ubiquitous-learning model; intervention effect; learning growth
  • 描述: U化合作探究學習融合探究學習及資訊科技的優勢,為國小科學教育開啟兼顧引導與自主探究的重要契機。本研究以合作學習為取向,希望藉由系統化鷹架引導學生主動提出並循序精進問題。研究中發展U化問題導向合作探究學習模式(Ubiquitous Problem-based Cooperative Inquiry-learning system, UPCIS),支持學生將探究問題從自發的感興趣問題轉化為可回答問題,最後發展成科學性問題。為了量化學生科學提問能力的進展,研究中發展科學提問能力實作評量(scientific-questioning performance assessment, SQPA),將學生問題互動的網路發言分為主動提問、協助他人提問、主動修正問題、協助他人修正問題四個層面,敦促並監控學生的互動,探討學生提問能力的進展。本研究以網站OTELOS2010~1為U化學習環境,學習活動分單組和準實驗設計,依序在兩個年度進行。第一年以59名國小學生為研究樣本,包含經驗組6名、生手組53名(普通生26名、資優生27名),共同進行跨校U化問題導向合作探究學習活動,進行三次電腦化科學探究素養測驗、科學提問實作評量,主要目的在發展U化問題導向合作探究學習模式並檢驗學生的學習成長。為更嚴謹的推論介入效益,第二年採準實驗研究設計,以78名國小學生為研究樣本,實驗組43名(經驗學習組25名、生手學習組18名)、控制組35名。實驗組進行跨校U化問題導向合作探究學習活動,控制組則進行一般問題導向合作探究學習活動,所有學生都進行三次電腦化科學探究素養測驗、和科學提問實作評量。研究結果顯示學生在U化合作探究學習的探究問題進展呼應本研究所提出的探究問題發展模式,所有參與活動學生的探究問題均發展達到科學性問題的層次,顯示探究問題的循序發展模式的適用性,且探究問題發展具有不可逆性。就介入效益而言,模式中的鷹架有效提升學生的科學探究素養,單組實驗介入後,學生科學探究素養顯著高於常模樣本。進一步檢驗準實驗設計的介入效益,實驗組學生科學探究素養的成長斜率顯著高於控制組,實驗介入組別變項的可解釋斜率變異量(R2)為20.61%。就不同經驗組別而言,經驗組顯著優於生手組,對於科學探究素養斜率的解釋變異量(R2)為15.15%。以學習者能力而言,資優學生表現顯著高於一般學生,能力組別變項的可解釋成長變異量(R 2)為18.32%。研究中針對實驗組學生合作討論的網路發言記錄進行提問能力評定,學生科學提問能力成長與科學探究素養成長相關是0.68,與在校成績間的相關係數介於0.55~0.65,呈現合理的區辨與輻合效度。實驗組學生科學提問能力呈現顯著成長,以經驗別而言,經驗組提問能力成長顯著優於生手組,經驗組別解釋提問能力成長斜率變異量為(R 2)為9.36%。以學習者能力別而言,資優學生提問能力的成長顯著高於一般學生,能力組別可解釋提問能力成長斜率變異量(R 2)為26.32%。本研究提出三點結論(1)UPCIS合理適切,透過循序而系統的鷹架引導,可有效協助學生將問題從直覺得有趣問題轉化為可回答問題,並進階發展成科學性問題。(2)UPCIS)兼顧PBL的探究學習理念、合作學習取向及資訊通訊科技的特色,經實驗研究檢驗證實對學生的科學探究素養具有協助效益,值得推廣。(3)本研究發展的U化問題導向合作科學提問能力實作評分規範信、效度合理適切,可提供網路合作學習經營的研究與實務參考。
    Through integrating advantages of inquiry-learning and information technology, ubiquitous cooperative inquiry-learning offers opportunities for applications of guided and self-directed inquiry in elementary science education. Based on cooperative learning, systematic scaffolding was designed to assist students in actively proposing and refining their questions. In this study, a Ubiquitous Problem-based Cooperative Inquiry-learning System (UPCIS) was developed to support students to transform intuitive problems to workable problems, and to refine those as scientific ones in the end. In order to measure the progress of students'' scientific-questioning ability, a Scientific-Questioning Performance Assessment (SQPA) was developed to classified the students’ online dialogues as four levels of “positive question posing,” “assistance in question posing,” “positive question correcting” and “assistance in question correcting”, and so as to monitor and stimulate their interaction.The website OTELOS2011 was used as the ubiquitous leaning environment in this study. Learning activities including one-group experimental design and quasi-experimental design were sequentially conducted during two years. In the first year, 59 elementary school students, including 6 experienced learners and 53 novice learners (26 average students and 27 talented students), were engaged in ubiquitous problem-based cooperative inquiry-learning activities across three schools. Three computerized scientific inquiry literacy assessments and a scientific-questioning performance assessment were also applied. The purpose of this stage was to develop the model of UPCIS and evaluate the inquiry ability growth of students as well.A quasi-experimental design was further used in the second year to rigorously examine the intervention effect on inquiry ability in UPCIS. Seventy-eight students from elementary schools were included. There were 43 students assigned to the experimental groups (25 experienced learners and 18 novice learners) and 35 students in the control groups. The experimental groups were engaged in cross-school activities on UPCIS, while the control groups were working with regular activities in the traditional classroom. All of them took three computerized scientific inquiry literacy assessments and a scientific-questioning performance assessment.The results suggested that the students’ learning progress was relevant to the model of UPCIS proposed in this study. In total of thirty groups of novice learners (59.1%) and ten groups of experimental learners (100%) achieved the scientific-problem inquiry level, which indicated the applicability of UPCIS. It was also found that the systematic scaffolding effectively enhanced students’ scientific inquiry skill after the intervention. The students of the experimental groups from one-group experimental design significantly surpassed the normal samples in computerized scientific inquiry literacy assessment. The results indicated that the on-line scientific inquiry abilities of the experimental groups on the post-test were significant better than the control groups (9% variances accounted by group variable).Furthermore, the growth slopes of the experimental groups for on-line science inquiry literacy were higher than those of the control groups (21% variances accounted by group variable). With regard to learning experience, the growth slopes of the experienced learners were better than the novice learners (15% variances accounted by learning experience variable). The gifted students showed higher learning abilities than the average students (18% variances accounted by leaner ability variable). The scientific-questioning abilities of students in the experimental groups were evaluated according to their on-line discussion records. The correlation coefficient between students'' scientific-questioning abilities and scientific inquiry literacy was around .68, and ranged from .55 and .65 for school grades. Thus, the discriminant and convergent validity of SQPA were supported by the result. The students of the experimental groups demonstrated a significant progress in their scientific-questioning abilities. In terms of the experience groups, the scientific-questioning abilities of the experienced learners were better than those of the novice learners. The leaning experience of students explained 9% growth slope variance of question-posing ability. In terms of learners'' ability, the growth of the gifted students on question-posing ability was question-posing ability was accounted by the learner’s ability.Three conclusions can be drawn from the results. 1) Through the provision of progressive guidance and systematic scaffold, UPCIS is relevant to help students transform intuitive questions into workable questions, and further evolves into scientific questions. 2) By integrating inquiry learning, cooperative learning and information and communication technologies into such a unified learning system, UPCIS is applicable and helpful to improve students'' scientific inquiry literacy. 3) The SQPA can efficiently detect the progress of students on scientific inquiry ability. Meanwhile the scoring rubrics of SQPA are reliable and valid, thus the SQPA can provide more informative feedbacks for teachers to fulfill the practices of ubiquitous cooperative learning.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
