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封淑玲; Feng, Shu-lin 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2012

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  • Title:
  • Author: 封淑玲; Feng, Shu-lin
  • 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • Subjects: 臺灣文學; 敘事學; 楊逵; Taiwan literature; Narratology; Yang Kui
  • Description: 楊逵(1906-1985)是臺灣日治時期重要的文學作家,他一生追求民主、自由與和平,並以文學創作來見證歷史,他的小說創作不僅記錄了日本高壓殖民統治下臺灣人民的憤怒、苦悶和悲哀,同時也在作品中表達出光明、希望和樂觀,成為鼓舞人心最佳的教材。 本論文研究選定的文本為國立文化資產保存研究中心出版的《楊逵全集》。以敘事學的理論及方法,對楊逵二十四篇小說文本的敘事結構與故事結構,深入剖析研究,以探究楊逵小說的敘事技巧。 首先分析楊逵小說的敘事結構。視角方面,其最常使用的類型為內聚焦型視角,不但縮短了主角與讀者的距離感,主角受到限制的視野也使讀者充滿想像的空間。敘述者方面,由各類型敘述者發揮各自的功能,共同完成故事的敘述。敘事時間從時序、時限、敘述頻率三個面向探討文本故事時間的安排。非敘事性話語為楊逵小說中極有價值之處,因為楊逵透過大量的非敘事性話語來傳達其主觀的感受及發人深省的評論,更提出對政府社會的批判與建言。 楊逵小說的故事結構在情節方面,依照承續原則中的時間、因果連接和心理空間的組合呈現,運用否定、實現和中心句三種連接方式交錯運用的語義排列原則。情節類型的形式上大多屬於單線類型,情節發展則有發現及對立模式。楊逵小說雖以短篇居多,但故事內容豐富完整,表現出楊逵高超的創作技巧。楊逵小說著重於描述社會環境,以反諷型環境達到深化故事意蘊的效果。
    Yang Kui was one of the most important authors during Colonial Taiwan ruled by Japan. Yang Kui spent his whole life pursuing democracy, liberty, and peace and his literary legacy had witnessed history of Taiwan as well as the anger, sadness and anguish of people under Japanese colonial authority. In the mean time, his works also demonstrated so much brightness, hope and rosy that they have become the center materials to inspire. The text chosen is Yang Kui’s Complete Works published by National Center for Research and Preservation of Cultural Properties. The research anchored the narrative skills as well as story structures based upon Yang Kui’s 24 novels to explore the narrative technique that Yang Kui had adopted. To analyze the Narratology in terms of focalization, one type that the most frequently used is internal focalization. It not only abridges the distance between the characters and the readers, and the limited field of view from the characters also gives the readers space to imagine. Secondly, Yang kui adopted various types of narrators working together to accomplish different stories. This research is to probe into the arrange of narrative timeline of the stories in terms of order, frequency and duration. In addition, a great quantity of non-narrative discourses were used to convey subjective emotions for society as well as personal criticism about the government and politics. After narrative structure analysis, this research will examine the story structures of Yang Kui’s novels. The plots were presented in a combination of time, consequence and mind space . Yang kui applied three semantic principles which are negation, realization, and topic sentence to present the contents. The plots are mostly single-line and were developed in the models of discovery and opposition. Yang Kui’s novels show the variety, integrity as well as superb skills of his works even though they are mostly short novels. In addition, Yang Kui’s novels emphasized on describing social ambience. And also, the irony gave the depth to all his stories.
  • Creation Date: 2012
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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