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黃朝雄; Huang, Tsow-shong 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 黃朝雄; Huang, Tsow-shong
  • 張惠貞; Hui-chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 向明; 詩儒; 巍峨; eminent; Xiangming; Sage of Poetry
  • 描述: 本名董平的向明,出生於1928年 6月4日的湖南長沙,求學階段即對文藝發生濃厚興趣。中日長衡會戰爆發,逃亡後方,投入軍中。經歷征戰風浪,終得步上台灣,為興趣下苦功,補習進修,參加中華函授學校詩歌班,戮力進取,終得以在詩壇嶄露頭角。結婚生子後,進入企業,繼而擔任雜誌及報刊主編,期間始終不忘其最愛——新詩的寫作及推廣。向明的詩作分期:第一期鄉愁苦悶與願戰思想(1951-1969),期間的詩作呈現鄉愁苦悶與願戰的思想氛圍。第二期生活安頓與反戰思想(1970-1987),展現身心安頓及反戰思維的生活美學。第三期生命思索與自然探索(1988-1994),化身自然與思索生命的詩篇俯拾皆是。第四期諷刺批判與現實關懷(1995-),既用熱情冷眼觀照世界,也用寬厚睿智關懷現實。每一段時期皆展現不同的風景樣貌。 向明的詩作依題材共分十二類,計有鄉愁親情詩、現實批判詩、社會寫實詩、旅遊省思詩、遊戲哲理詩、題畫詩、詩觀詩、贈答詩、詠史詩、詠物詩、武俠詩及其他題材詩作,凡皆不離生活,介入現實,讀來令人倍感親切舒適。 「富於節奏,適合朗誦」、「結構勻稱,形式諧和」、「生活取材,善於自嘲」、「活用反諷,巧用逆轉」及「摻合語言,調和韻味」,向明的詩作兼有以上五種藝術特色,在平實中流露真情,在平淡中發現驚奇。 向明被稱為當今詩壇「詩儒」的尊號,實因其文學成就與動人情操所致。讀其人,可以讀到歷史的感動;讀其詩,可以讀到新詩的感恩。其人其詩在詩壇正可以其詩作「巍峨」予以評價定位。
    Xiangming, born in Changsha, China on June 4, 1928, has shown great interests in literature since his school days. He moved inland and joined the Chinese army during the Sino-Japanese conflict. After the war he came to Taiwan and enrolled in distance learning courses, eventually gaining recognition in the poetic circle. After starting a family, he served as editor for magazines and newspapers, during which time he was dedicated to the writing and the advancement of modern poetry. The first stage (1951-1969) of Xiangming’s poetry is focused on the nostalgia for home and enthusiasm for war; the second stage (1970-1987) is centered upon the idyll of home life and anti-war sentiment; the third stage (1988-1994) is attentive to the searching for meanings of life and nature; the fourth stage (1995- ) is highlighted by the ironical criticism and sympathy for everyday realities. Each stage exhibits different style and essence. There are twelve different subjects in Xiangming’s poetry: nostalgic poem, realistic poem, social poem, travel poem, philosophical poem, painting poem, poetic view poem, reply poem, history poem, descriptive poem, martial arts poem, and others. They all show affinity for common life occurrences and daily realities, which make them readily accessible for the readers. Xiangming’s poetry contains the elements of “rhythm and clarity,” “symmetry and harmony,” “realism and humility,” “irony and versatility” and “hybrid and concordance.” These five elements are present in Xiangming’s poetry, revealing emotion within blandness and wonder from normalcy. Xiangming is regarded as the “Sage of Poetry” due to his poetic accomplishment and personal character. By knowing the poet, one can know the passion of history; by reading the poems, one can appreciate the elegance of modern poetry. Xiangming and his poetry can be regarded as “eminent” in the poetic world.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
