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蔡宜蓁; Tsai, I-chen 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蔡宜蓁; Tsai, I-chen
  • 張清榮; Ching-jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 兒歌; 兒歌一百; 閩南語; children'nursery rhymes hundred; Minnan; 's songs
  • 描述: 行政院「文化部」的前身「文化建設委員會」自民國八十九年至九十四年期間,積極推廣本土兒歌創作,舉辦「兒歌一百」徵選活動。為了鼓勵各個族群作家投入創作兒歌的行列,語言類別分成國語組、閩南語組、客語組、原住民語組。富含音樂性、趣味性、古老性、文學性、思想性的閩南語是優美的語言之一,它更是多數臺灣人民的母語。本研究採用文本分析法,以2000年至2004年之「台灣兒歌ㄧ百」甄選得獎作品:《愛的風鈴》(2000年)、《月娘光光》(2001年)、《爺爺不吃棉花糖》(2002年)、《月亮愛漂亮》(2003年)、《台灣好》(2004年)五冊作品集為文本,從中選出103首成人與兒童的閩南語兒歌作品為研究範圍。在《兒歌一百》之閩南語作品內容探討中,分析兒歌類型、兒歌題材、兒歌主題使用的情況。在《兒歌一百》閩南語兒歌形式探討中,則分析兒歌修辭、兒歌句法、兒歌用韻、兒歌結構、兒歌節奏的技巧呈現。在「結論與建議」的部分,歸納《兒歌一百》系列中閩南語作品的內容與形式的特色,以及研究《兒歌一百》系列中閩南語作品後,所提出的建議與看法。
    The Executive Yuan, the predecessor of the Ministry of Culture, "" Cultural Affairs "from 2000 to 2002 the four-year period, and actively promote the local children''s songs, organize the" rhymes hundred levy election activities, in order to encourage the various ethnic groups put into the creation of children''s songsranks Mandarin language class is divided into groups, a group of Hokkien, Hakka groups, Aboriginal language groups. The Hokkien rich in music, fun, ancient, literary, ideological, is one of the beautiful language, it is the mother tongue of the majority of the people of Taiwan. In this study, using text analysis method, in order to 2000-2004 "Taiwan the rhymes ㄧ hundred is the selection of the winning entries: love wind chimes" (2000), "Bright Moon" (2001), "Grandpa, do not eat cotton candy "(2002)," beautiful moon love "(2003)," Taiwan "(2004), five the Portfolio of text, choose the 103 adults and children Hokkien rhymes works for the scope of the study.Rhymes hundred Taiwanese works explore, analyze the use of rhymes type, children''s songs, themes, nursery rhymes theme. "Rhymes hundred" in the form of Taiwanese children''s songs explore the analysis of children''s songs rhetoric, of rhymes syntax, rhymes with rhyme, rhymes structure, rhymes rhythm of the techniques presented. Summarized in the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section "rhymes rhymes hundred series characteristics of the content and form of the works of the Taiwanese, as well as research" hundred "series the Hokkien works, the recommendations and views.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
