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賀國綱; Ho, Kuo-kong 鄭安城; An- cheng Jeng; 體育學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 賀國綱; Ho, Kuo-kong
  • 鄭安城; An- cheng Jeng; 體育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 舞龍運動; 骨質疏鬆症; 骨質強度; Dragon Dance; Osteoporosis; Stiffness
  • 描述: 本研究目的在探討舞龍運動訓練對學童骨質之影響,及舞龍運動訓練對不同性別學童骨質的差異。研究對象為臺南市某國小六年級學童,以立意取樣選取同年級兩班分為實驗組及控制組,扣除班上已參與學校運動訓練、身高體重懸殊及身體因素無法參加訓練或施測學童外,經過健康狀況問卷調查表篩選以及簽訂受試者同意書後,每組各取25名(男生12名、女生13名)為受試者。實驗組進行每週訓練五天,每次一節課50分鐘時間,持續半年舞龍訓練;控制組除學校體育課程之外,無接受任何運動訓練及規律運動。所有受試者在訓練前後均測量身高、體重、身體質量指數以及使用GE Achilles Insight Ultrasonometer彩色超音波骨質密度儀,測量學童跟骨骨質強度(STI)值,所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、共變數分析、皮爾森積差相關等進行統計分析,比較受試者前、後測骨質強度之差異情形。研究結果如下:1、經過半年的時間,舞龍訓練組的骨質強度指數STI(84.76-97.20),顯著高於控制組(79.08-86.88)(p<.05)。2、經過半年的時間,舞龍組骨質強度增進的幅度顯著高於控制組(p<.05)。3、經過半年的舞龍運動訓練,舞龍訓練組男女學童的骨質強度均有提升(p<.05),且男女學童之間達顯著差異(p<.05),女學童大於男學童。4、參與舞龍運動訓練學童其骨質強度與體重間有顯著的相關。 根據本研究結果顯示,為期半年的舞龍訓練,對國小高年級學童的骨質強度能有提升作用,且顯著高於控制組學童。測驗結果也發現到,控制組學童的骨質強度也有顯著增加,尤其以女學童為最,因女學童此時期(高年級)正處成長發育加速期,進而增進骨質強度。因此,為了提昇學童骨質使達巔峰骨質量,增進骨質強度,並期達到更好的健康體能,參與舞龍運動也是很好的選擇。
    Objective: The study serves to examine the effects of dragon dance on bone in different genders in elementary student.Method: The study is intended for students in some elementary school in Tainan City, who are divided into two groups: the experimental group as well as the control group, both of whom are from respective classes. Exclusive of those who have taken part in other official exercise and those who suffer from physical gap in weight and height, the subjects are selected by checking individual physical conditions and required to sign for the permission. Each group includes 25 members (12 boys and 13 girls). Those of the experimental group receive a six-month training---daily 50-min class for five days each week; the control group do not take any regular exercise but the PE class. All examinees underwent physical examination of height, weight as well as BMI and utilized GE Achilles Insight Ultrasonometer to measure their STI. All data are analyzed and processed through Descriptive Statistics, t-test, ANCOVA and Pearson’s correlation in order to compare the differences between before and after the examination.Result:a. Those in the experimental group are superior in STI—saliently higher than those in control group(p<.05).b. Throughout half year of dragon dance training, the experimetal group demonstrate improve much more.c. Throughout half year of dragon dance training, the boys and girls see improvement in STI (p<.05)and there is a noticeable gap between both sexes. The girls are better.d. There is a correlation between STI and body weight.According to the results, through the six-month training, there is a boost to STI of elementary school students---greater than those in control group. Also, STI of the control group is greatly strengthened especially in girls. Because in this period, girls(high grade) are accelerating growth and development to promote STI. Thus, to maximize the bone quality and promote STI and reach better physical fittness, dragon dance is a good choice.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
