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薛守峰; Hsu, Shou-feng 陳樹屏; none; 體育學系碩士班 2012


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 薛守峰; Hsu, Shou-feng
  • 陳樹屏; none; 體育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 平衡能力; 獨輪車訓練; 肌耐力; muscular endurance; balance ability; unicycle training
  • 描述: 目的:本研究目的在探討獨輪車訓練對國小學童平衡能力及肌耐力的影響。方法:以50名未曾接受過獨輪車訓練的國小四年級學童為研究對象,隨機分派為實驗組和控制組。實驗組實施十二週、每週二次、每次40分鐘的獨輪車訓練課程,而控制組則未施行任何動態活動。所有受試者在實驗前、後分別接受閉眼單足立、走平衡木、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐及三十秒坐椅站立測驗。所得資料透過SPSS for Windows 18.0進行資料分析,以描述統計方法建立受試者各項基本資料,並以前測成績為共變量,進行獨立樣本單因子共變數分析,比較各組在訓練前後平衡能力及肌耐力的差異。結果:實驗組的靜態平衡能力、動態平衡能力及下肢肌耐力均顯著優於控制組(p<.05)。而實驗組男童的靜態平衡能力及下肢肌耐力顯著優於控制組男童(p<.05);實驗組女童的動態平衡能力顯著優於控制組女童(p<.05)。結論:國小四年級學童,適合以獨輪車訓練來提昇平衡能力和下肢肌耐力。此年齡層男童,參與獨輪車訓練,可以提昇靜態平衡能力及下肢肌耐力;至於女童,則可以提昇動態平衡能力。
    Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of unicycle training on the balance ability and muscular endurance in children. Methods: Fifty 4th graders were randomly assigned to training or control group. Training group was accepted unicycle training 2 times a week, 40 minutes each time for 12 weeks to evaluate the changes of the balance ability and muscular endurance. Subjects performed the static balance test (stand with the single foot and closing eyes), dynamic balance test (walking on the balance beam), Abdomen muscular endurance test (60-s sit-ups) and lower-extremity muscular endurance test (30-s chair-stand) before and after training. An independent one-way ANCOVA was adopted to analyze the differences of balance ability and muscular endurance among training and control groups. Results: Training group improved more than control group on static balance, dynamic balance, and lower-extremity muscular endurance significantly (p<.05). However, male training group improved more than male control group in static balance and lower-extremity muscular endurance significantly (p<.05) and female training group improved more than female control group in dynamic balance significantly (p<.05). Conclusion: unicycle training was suitable to be used to improve balance and lower-extremity muscular endurance for 4th graders. For boys, it could improve static balance and lower-extremity muscular endurance. For girls, it could improve dynamic balance.
  • 建立日期: 2012
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
