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洪培珊; Hong, Pei-shan 林登順; Deng-shun Lin; 國語文學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 洪培珊; Hong, Pei-shan
  • 林登順; Deng-shun Lin; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 動物懲報; 筆記小說; 唐五代; Sketchbook(s); Literary Sketches; Tang and Five Dynasties; Animal Karma
  • 描述: 「筆記小說」,是指那些鋪寫故事、以人物為中心而又有情節結構的筆記作品。筆記小說以其簡潔的文言、短小的篇幅記敘人物(包括幻化的鬼神精怪、擬人的動植物與器物等)的故事,取材貼近日常生活,是中國小說史中最早產生並貫串小說的文體,更為文學創作提供豐富的題材,因此在中國文學史上,佔有關鍵性的地位。 「報」字的意義在中國文學史上淵源流長,涵義也相當廣泛,它可以是報恩與報仇,更可以是因果報應。遠古至今,遑論東西方,「報」在文學上一直是個歷久不衰、引人注目的課題。 本文從唐五代筆記小說中,以動物為主體的的懲報故事裡,分析動物懲報的動機、經過、行為和結果,並從故事探究中,推論其復仇行為,融合了佛家「恩」「報」思想、儒家忠恕仁義、道家萬物齊一等主張,希望藉由這類文學的闡釋,推廣因果報應、賞善罰惡、勸人向善、尊重萬物的正向力量,在道德倫理教化、生態環境維護上提供微薄之力。
    Literary Sketch, in the form of sketchbooks, is character-centered and describes the plot structure in the story. Literary Sketch utilizes materials from everyday life, uses classical Chinese to describe characters, inclusive of fantastic ghosts, gods, spirits, personifying animals, plants or utensils. It’s not only the earliest literary form of fiction in Chinese fictional history, but also the sources of literary creation. As a result, it plays an important role in the history of Chinese literature. “報” (pronounced as /bao/), the Chinese character, can be traced back to long time ago. The character can be quite broad in its meaning, such as returning the favor (“報”恩, pronounced as /bao-en/) and taking revenge (“報”仇, pronounced as /bao-cho/). “報” has been always an eternally fascinating topic in western and eastern literature since ancient times.This research, based on the stories of animal karma in literary sketches in Tang and Five Dynasties, aims to analyze the motivation, the process, the behavior and the outcome of the animal karma. The result reveals that the revenge of the animals actually integrates opinions of Buddhist “return the favor”, Confucian benevolence and righteousness, loyalty and forbearance and Taoist “everything as the same”. The researcher attempts to emphasize the positive power of karma, reward or punishment, doing good deeds and respecting everything, make some contribution to moral education and environmental protection.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
