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王曉婷; Wang, Hsiao-ting 林聖曦; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王曉婷; Wang, Hsiao-ting
  • 林聖曦; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 西洋棋; Sutton-Smith遊戲修辭; 遊戲; Children Play; Chess; Sutton-Smith; Play Rhetorics
  • 描述: 本研究以Sutton-Smith ( 1997/2001 ) 八種遊戲修辭 ( rhetorics ) 為理論基礎,研究幼兒西洋棋遊戲策略,歸納幼兒西洋棋遊戲歷程,並探討幼兒西洋棋遊戲內涵。研究對象是大台南地區一所國小附設幼稚園28位大班幼兒,自民國99年9月4日至民國100年5月26日止,每週兩次,每次一小時,採自然觀察法觀察幼兒學習區活動時間西洋棋遊戲互動,以錄影、錄音及觀察記錄為主要資料蒐集方法,紀錄幼兒的語言和非語言行為、玩伴的選擇與互動、西洋棋的操作動作與偶發事件,輔以幼兒訪談,澄清幼兒遊戲行為的目的與意義。以質化分析現場的觀察紀錄、錄影與錄音轉譯文字及訪談資料後撰寫報告。研究結果顯示,以進步修辭的觀點發現,幼兒的西洋棋遊戲策略包含棋步的移動與隱含在口語情境中的策略。由策略分析顯示,遊戲的經驗與記憶支持幼兒面對不同棋盤情境、遊戲對手展現慣用或者運用不同的策略,然而幼兒下棋的目的並非只有迅速求勝,如何玩得久、玩得盡興才是他們遊戲的本質。幼兒西洋棋遊戲呈現一種循環歷程,分為探索遊戲、進入遊戲、勝任遊戲、全盤遊戲與專家遊戲等五個階段。遊戲歷程受遊戲規則與下棋經驗的影響,並非所有幼兒皆能達到專家階段,但是幼兒會將西洋棋遊戲經驗拓展到其他遊戲材料即再次進入探索階段。微觀幼兒西洋棋一局過程,從邀約、找尋友伴開始,歷經擺盤、對弈,結束於勝負分曉、棋局討論或者另啟新局。此外,幼兒不違背遊戲規則的情形,幼兒運用抽棋子、猜拳或翻書頁決定棋步等展現遊戲即命運 ( fate ) 的內涵。幼兒依據西洋棋名位階、攻擊能力排序進行遊戲,或者遊戲主導幼兒的角色等屬於遊戲即權力( power ) 的內涵。幼兒形成特有的下棋儀式、同儕文化,呈現性別認同、文化禮節與傳播媒體等展現遊戲即認同 ( identity ) 的內涵。排除萬難參加遊戲的熱誠、一定殺光對手才要獲勝的決心、單純享受遊戲的意志是自我 ( self ) 即遊戲修辭展現。顛覆遊戲規則、調侃對手的玩笑與唸謠展現遊戲即嬉玩 ( frivolous ) 內涵。透過想像 ( imaginary ) 即遊戲修辭之扮演、故事與口語,使得西洋棋遊戲情境得以不斷延伸、詮釋與擴張。以Sutton-Smith(2001)的「遊戲即適應的變異性」(play as adaptive variability)綜合分析發現,本研究幼兒西洋棋遊戲行為雖與進步修辭有關,然同儕文化與想像意涵貫連西洋棋遊戲,也有遊戲間的權力關係與嬉玩玩性 (playfulness)。以遊戲修辭理解幼兒西洋棋遊戲的意涵可以打破遊戲材料性質、規則的刻板疆界,即脫離認知取向、能力檢核的框架,以更寬闊的視野看待幼兒遊戲。
    This study explored chess game for young children based on Sutton-Smith’s notion of Play Rhetorics. The participants were 28 5-to 6-year-old children in a class. Naturalistic observation and tape recording of each child were made during children’s free play time for one hour, twice a week, and lasted one year. Furthermore, with the help of the interviews with the children also can make the intention and the significance of children’s play behavior more clear. Qualitative analyses were made from transcriptions of observation and interviews. In the view point of progress, it’s easy to discover that children’s chess tactics in the study involved the movements of the chess and the oral situation. In the terns of the analysis of the tactic, it shows that the former experience and memory can help children to use different or habitually using tactics when they encounter different game situations and competitors. However, the main purpose of the chess game in these children is not to win quickly, but to enjoy the game is their main intention.Children chess game is a circle, five steps are inclusive from exploring to recognizing, beginning, practicing, and expert. The experiences of playing the chess and the game rules have a great impact on the game course. Not every child can reach the state of expert, but children would apply their chess game experiences to other game materials and restart the state of exploring the game again. In other words, it’s meaningful to observe how children play chess, from the very beginning of inviting and finding game mates to set the chessboard, compete and end with winner and loser, discussion of the game or restart a new game.Otherwise, in the situation of obeying the game rules, children can use lucky-draw, play finger-guess game or flap the pages to decide the movement of chess is play as fate. Moreover, according to the position of chess and the ability of the chess, they reveal the meaning of play as power. The special game ritual, peer culture, the sexual identification, culture manner and media dissemination reveal the meaning of play as identity. The enthusiasm of playing the chess game, the determination of beating down others and the enjoyment of the game reveal the meaning of play as self. To overthrown the old game rules, tease the competitor and sing some rimes reveal the meaning of play as frivolity. With the imaginary, which is the role play, story and oral speaking of rhetorics, the situation of the chess game can have other interputations.Based on Sutton-Smith’s play as adaptive variability, this research discover that although the progress rhetoric has a relationship with children’s chess, the concepts of peer culture and imaginary also go through it. In addition, the authority relationship and the playfulness of the chess play an important part of it, too. With the view of rhetoric to understand the contentment of children’s chess game can break the old view of play material and rules which is to take another perspective to look on children’s play.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
