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蔡菁菁; Tsai, Ching-ching 許惠欣; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蔡菁菁; Tsai, Ching-ching
  • 許惠欣; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 幼兒; 長度測量概念; 圖畫書; young children; concept of length measurement; picture book
  • 描述: 本研究旨在透過六本與長度測量相關之圖畫書(《排隊書》、《一吋蟲》、《一呎腳丫子有多大?》、《12隻蝸牛到一隻蜥蜴-一個淘氣的測量故事》、《小瓢蟲到處飛》、《量一量Penny》)之「團體討論」及「圖畫書與自由實作」,以瞭解幼兒之長度測量概念。本研究以採用蒙特梭利教育之臺南市私立陽光幼稚園健康家(混齡班)之14名(9男和5女)大班幼兒為研究對象,自98年2月11日至6月24日(為期五個月),透過錄影/音與隨機訪談,蒐集與分析幼兒依序於六本圖畫書之「團體討論」及「圖畫書與自由實作」歷程之「觀察和訪談紀錄」及「其他文件資料」(觀察手札、活動紀錄單、和照片)。研究結果顯示:幼兒於「團體討論」及「圖畫書與自由實作」時所展現之「長度測量」概念極為相似,唯「對談」時較為天馬行空,「實作」時則趨於實際。其概念如下:一、 於「長度之認識」方面,幼兒知道「動」、「靜」之具體物皆有長度,有直的和彎的長度;會使用「長、寬、高、遠、短、距離」等長度用語。二、 於「長度之比較」方面,幼兒有「視覺比較」之能力;會以「重疊或並排法」「直接比較」;會以「數字」或「中介物」「間接比較」。三、 於「長度測量工具/單位之使用」方面,幼兒會分辨與選用「非標準單位」與「標準單位」測量;使用一、二或數個等量之測量工具/單位「頭尾相接」、「端點對齊」進行「等量合成複製」,並解決超過或不足之問題。有些幼兒使用「尺」時,會對齊刻度「0」。幼兒能估測直線短距離;慣用「一個一個數算」之策略得知測量的結果;以「圖像」、「文字」、「數字」和「單位」記錄測量的結果;瞭解「1碼貝蒂珍=3隻蜥蜴=3隻國王的「一呎腳丫子」=36隻蝸牛=36隻一吋蟲」之「單位換算」關係及「單位」與「數字」之大小關係。幼兒公認使用「尺」測量最公平。本研究亦提出具體建議,供幼教老師選擇與使用圖畫書進行「長度測量」教學之參考。
    The main purpose of this study was to investigate young children’s concepts of length measurement through six picture books. There were The Line Up Book, Inch by Inch, How Big Is a Foot? Twelve Snails to One Lizard: A Tale of Mischief and Measurement, Ladybug on the Move, and Measuring Penny. Qualitative data were collected and analyzed from 14 children (9 boys and 5 girls ) aged 5 to 6 years in a private kindergarten in Tainan for 5 months, via observations from group discussions and manipulations, informal interviews, video taping, tape recording, photo taking, field notes taking and young children’s records of length measurement. The findings of this study were as follows:Young children showed very similar concepts of length measurement in group discussions and manipulations. Children were more imaginative in group discussions, while more practical in manipulations. Children’s concepts of length measurement were as follows:In “recognition of length,” young children were able to find out length whether the objects for measuring are “static” or “active,” and to distinguish length between straight lines and curves. They also used terms such as length, width, height, farness, shortness and distance to describe length.In “comparisons of length,” young children showed their ability of “visual comparison.” They put objects in a parallel or overlapping way to make “direct comparisons.” They used numbers or something as a mediator to demonstrate “indirect comparisons.” In “use of length measurement units,” young children could tell “nonstandard units” from “standard units” and apply them. They could use one, two or several equal units by lining up in alignment at the origin to make unit iteration and solve not-enough or too-much problems. Some children could align “0” when using a ruler. They could estimate a short linear length, got the result of measurement by counting one by one, and recorded it with pictures, words, numbers, and units.Children understood “conversion” within a system. That is, “1 yard (Snake Betty Jane) = 3 feet (3 lizards or 3 King’s feet) = 36 inches (36 snails or 36 inchworms). They also realized relations between units and numbers, and agreed that ruler is the most honest tool of length measurement.Finally, some suggestions for kindergarten teachers in teaching length measurement by choosing and utilizing picture books were also made in this study.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
