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楊家鳳; Yang, Chia-feng 劉世鈞; Shyh -Jiun Liu; 環境生態研究所在職專班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 楊家鳳; Yang, Chia-feng
  • 劉世鈞; Shyh -Jiun Liu; 環境生態研究所在職專班
  • 主題: 綠色產品; 綠色能源; 環境衝擊與永續發展; 節能減碳; 綠色生活; green energy green products; envirnmental impacts and long-lasting developmen; energy conservevation and carbon reduction; green life
  • 描述: 本研究旨在瞭解臺南縣市地區民眾節能減碳之素養,節能減碳的素養涵蓋四個向度的分類是根據2009年的國科會計畫-「能源國家型人才培育自由導向整合型計畫-以E-STS「生態-社會-技術-科學」模式發展及推廣節能減碳教育之研究,分別為「環境衝擊與永續發展」、「綠色能源」、「綠色產品」和「綠色生活」。並探討不同背景變項的民眾之節能減碳認知與態度差異情形以及相關性。本研究採問卷調查法,引用國科會計畫編號為NSC98-2514-S-024-001-NE節能減碳四向度論文的四份問卷為研究工具,針對台南縣市民眾進行非隨機立意抽樣,並利用SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析相關等分析。研究結果顯示:台南縣市民眾在節能減碳四向度之整體認知程度達一定的水準;整體態度的表現是積極、正向的;在不同背景變項方面,性別在節能減碳四向度認知與態度方面並無顯著差異,但在「環境衝擊與永續發展」的態度上,女性較男性積極;年齡在節能減碳四向度的態度上並無顯著差異,在「環境衝擊與永續發展」之「科學基礎」分層認知,年輕的在認知與態度上高於年長,在「綠色生活」的認知上,年齡越高認知程度越高;在節能減碳四向度的認知上,教育程度越高獲得的相關知識越豐富,「環境衝擊與永續發展」與「綠色能源」的態度不受教育程度的影響,教育程度高的民眾在「綠色產品」與「綠色生活」的態度上更為積極;畢業就讀科系所對節能減碳四向度的態度上並無顯著差異,而文藝與其他學院在節能減碳四向度的認知上比其他畢業就讀系所差;職業在節能減碳的態度上並無顯著差異,是否參加環境教育相關活動在節能減碳四向度之認知上較無顯著差異,但在「環境衝擊與永續發展」的態度上,曾參加環境教育活動的民眾比較積極、正向。在節能減碳認知與態度相關性方面,「環境衝擊與永續發展」與「綠色能源」整體認知與整體態度為未達顯著正相關;「綠色產品」與「綠色生活」整體認知與整體態度及各分層認知與態度為顯著低度正相關。希冀藉由研究發現,讓民眾意識到節能減碳的重要性,並落實在生活中,以減緩全球暖化帶來的環境危機並俾利於我國政府相關單位推動民眾在節能減碳教育與行動策略之參考。
    This study is to investigate energy conservevation and carbon reduction literacy of resident in Tainan area, which includes four dimensions from the 2009 plan of National Science Council “ The integrative plan for national energy experts” the study of energy conservevation and carbon reduction education and the development of ecology –society-technology-science model using the E-STS. They are “the impact of environmental damages and long-lasting development”; “green energy”; “green products”; and “green life”. The study also includes people’s attitudes and knowledge about energy conservevation and carbon reduction. The research method for this study is by using questionnaire, which quotes National Science Council’s four dimensional questionnaires. The sample is on Tainan County and City residents, and uses SPSS for Windows 12.0 as a statistical tool for analytical purposes. The surveys were analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics analysis, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation.The study shows: Tainan County and City residents’ literacy regarding energy conservevation and carbon reduction is fairly satisfactory; sexes have no obvious effects on the outcome of this study, but females tend to be more aggressive on the attitudes for environmental impacts and long-lasting development than males; ages also have no significance as well, but the younger ones show more awareness on the dimensions environmental impact and long-lasting development and the fundamentals of science, than the older ones. The younger ones also show better awareness on green life, compared to the older ones. Educational backgrounds have effects on the dimensions green products and green life. Majors have no significance on all dimensions except those from the fine-arts departments. People who participate on related activities show better awareness on the dimension environmental impacts and long-lasting development. We hope that this study can make people be more aware of the importance of energy conservevation and carbon reduction and to do something in our daily lives. Government should also create more strategies to cope with growing global warming crisis.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
