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吳麗虹; Wu, Li-hung 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2013

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  • Title:
  • Author: 吳麗虹; Wu, Li-hung
  • 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • Subjects: 家庭; 婚姻; 醒世姻緣傳; 社會; family; marriage; Xing Shi Yin Yuan Zhuan; society
  • Description: 《醒世姻緣傳》是一部百萬言的長篇世情小說,以兩世姻緣為敘述主幹,描寫丈夫受妻妾凌虐的惡姻緣。作者藉著人物之間的關係與互動情形,揭發了當時家庭倫常崩解,社會風氣敗壞的情形,使後人對明代後期所產生的家庭與社會問題,有更進一步的了解。研究《醒世姻緣傳》可以發現:作者基於對家庭、社會的關心,著書揭發當時的家庭、社會的問題,不但重建了明代後期社會面貌,也讓人透視當時人們的思想行為,留下探尋明代後期社會生活,以及思想的無盡寶藏,值得後人研究。雖然作者對於父權社會的追尋,有其一廂情願的想法,寫書目的,也不過是為了宣揚傳統的家庭秩序與社會道德,但其扮演督責社會的角色,喚起民眾道德良知的用心,仍是值得肯定的。
    Xing Shi Yin Yuan Zhuan is a voluminous novel describing two generations of a bad marriage. In the novel, the husband is abused by his wives. From the relationship between the characters, we can see the disintegration of family ethics and the moral corruption of society. As we read the novel, we gain a better understanding of the late Ming Dynasty with regard to familial and societal issues. Due to the author''s concern about these situations, he wrote this book to expose the problems in the family and society of the day. The novel is worthy of study because by reading it, we gain a clear understanding of the thinking and behavior of people living in the late Ming Dynasty. We can see the author''s wistful pursuit of a patriarchal society and that his purpose of writing the novel is merely to advocate the traditional family order and the morality of society. Despite this, it played an important role in supervising the society and arousing the public''s moral conscience.
  • Creation Date: 2013
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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