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吳詩婷; Wu, Shih-ting 陳光明; Kuang-ming Chen; 國語文學系碩士班 2013


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳詩婷; Wu, Shih-ting
  • 陳光明; Kuang-ming Chen; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 敘事; 諸葛孔明; 陳舜臣; Shuen-Chen Chen; Narrative Techniques; Ju Ge Kung Ming
  • 描述: 諸葛孔明忠誠、果敢、堅毅、仁義等人格特質,在政局紛亂的東漢末年,成為一顆耀眼的明星。他擁劉反曹,最終積勞成疾,壯志未酬,病歿五丈原,悲壯的英雄形象,萬古流芳。諸葛孔明歷史上的「原型」,經由羅貫中的渲染虛構,已提升至玄機妙算、神鬼莫測的境界。而《諸葛孔明》的作者陳舜臣兼採《三國志》中記載史料及《三國演義》中部分虛構情節,盡量保留諸葛孔明歷史上的原型,抽離羅貫中筆下「神格化」色彩。本論文主要採取文本分析的研究方法探討《諸葛孔明》一書的敘事特色,參考中西學者的研究成果,由敘述視角、敘述者與受述者、敘事時間、話語技巧及藝術成就等方面分析探討之。又由於《諸葛孔明》為一部非虛構性歷史人物改編小說,故作者陳舜臣在敘述的同時,展現其博古通今的歷史觀照能力,作者時常對於故事相關人物提出公開性或隱藏性的評論,此類史學家筆法的寫作觀點,實可看出敘述者的主觀色彩。本書在虛構情節上對於孔明擁劉反曹的理念、孔明繼母意象的渲染、虛構人物協助傳達軍情、七擒七縱民族融合思想的多所特色寫法,展現陳舜臣多元的寫作視野。他筆下的諸葛孔明雖然不能呼風喚雨,卻冷靜練達,呈現溫和敦厚的賢相典型。
    Ju Ge Kung Ming was known for his loyalty, courage, perseverance, virtue and other personality traits. He was viewed as a shining star in the warring states period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was loyal to Liu wholeheartedly and against Ts’ao T’sao. He devoted himself to helping Liu. But he died before fulfilling his vision of Han Dynasty. He died from overwork in Wuzhang plain. His image as a tragic hero lasts forever.In Lu Kuan-Chung’s book, called “The Romance of Three Kingdoms,” Ju Ge Kung Ming was exaggerated and presented as someone who could always prophecy the future and was too hard to predict. But in the book, called “Ju Ge Kung Ming,” Mr. Chen used the historical reference from the three kingdoms and also some fabrication from “The Romance of Three Kingdoms” to help readers to know Ju Ge Kung Ming. Mr. Chen tried to preserve the true and historical image of Ju Ge Kung Ming, and avoid “deification” used in Mr. Lu’s work.This study is to compare and analyze the narrative techniques employed in the book of “Ju Ge Kung Ming.” The narrative techniques were compared with some other studies performed by other eastern and western scholars. These techniques were analyzed from several perspectives, including the focalization of narrative, narrator and narratee, the time (background) of narration, the speech skills and artistic achievement.“Ju Ge Kung Ming” is a nonfiction novel. Mr. Chen used open and implicate narration to portray Ju Ge Kung Ming, which showed his informative knowledge in history. As for the fictional parts in this books, such as Kung Ming arrested Menghuo seven times and set him free seven times, these demonstrated Mr. Chen’s variety of narrative techniques. In summary, though in Mr. Chen’s book, Ju Ge Kung Ming could not act as god to foresee things, Ju Ge Kung Ming was portrayed as a more gentle, humble and wise image.
  • 建立日期: 2013
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
