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吳倍毓; Wu, Pei-ju 潘青林; none; 美術學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳倍毓; Wu, Pei-ju
  • 潘青林; none; 美術學系碩士班
  • 主題: 藝術創作; 文化創意產業; 卡漫; 鹹菜; 公仔; artistic creation; Chinese pickled vegetable; cartoon; Cultural and Creative Industries; cartoon art doll
  • 描述: 全球化所帶來的資訊、科技與外來文化,衝擊了傳統產業與本土文化,讓原本多元的文化逐漸消弭,趨向單一,全球化經濟陷入強大的競爭壓力。1997年創意產業於英國提出,帶動英國經濟的發展並創下傲人的成績,在英國成功經驗的激勵下,世界各國開始積極的投入自己專屬的文化產業資源,把經濟開發的重心,建立在以文化藝術為核心的產業上,將具有一地特色的文化藝術透過新科技發揚光大,就此掀起了以知識經濟為本的文化創意產業熱潮。台灣也在這波潮流下,從1990年來陸續推出相關的政策,由政府引領結合企業、民間團體,期望為社會經濟注入新活力。文化創意產業的興起,讓台灣大眾的眼光重新落在本土的在地文化,許多沒落的農村、傳統產業再度新生。台南市麻豆區仁愛路二十九巷是麻豆區草店尾百年傳統產業鹹菜巷的所在地,從日治時期即有鹹菜醃製此項產業,然而社會的變遷讓這項產業沒落、消逝,藉著文化創意的興起與本土意識的抬頭,鹹菜巷的文化意義開始進行重組排列。本篇論文主要論述筆者於2005年至今從台南市麻豆區鹹菜文化所發展的系列創作,並從文化創意產業的觀點切入,對藝術創作、形式、消逝的在地性文化發覺議題。本文共分五個章節,第壹章緒論:闡述鹹菜意象的文化創意創作研究之背景、動機、目的與研究方法。第貳章談論文化創意產業的特質與台灣文化創意產業的發展。第參章從台南市文化產業的建設推動 與麻豆區文化特色,述說到團隊推動鹹菜巷文化的過程。第肆章說明從鹹菜文化發展出的作品其創意思路與理念。最後以第伍章結語,對於整個創作過程做一個反思,希望在未來能更純熟的以藝術維護本土在地的獨特文化。
    Information derived from globalization, modern technology and foreign culture collide with traditional industries and native culture, cut down on the diversity of culture, and put the global economics under pressure of keen competition. 1997, creative industries first emerged in England has successfully promoted the national economic development. After the triumph of England, nations all over the world started to import resource of their own cultural industries positively and stress their economic development on industries based on culture and art which transmitted rapidly through modern technology. Cultural and creative industries rooted in knowledge and economics grows in to a trend. Authorities of Taiwan, following the trend, tried to combined with the private enterprises and social associations to renew the society and the economics. With the appearance of cultural and creative industries, people of Taiwan focus on their own native culture again, and the coming down villages and traditional industries get chances to reborn. The industry of Chinese pickled vegetable at Ln. 29, Renai Rd., Madou District in Tainan City, the location of Madou District, has an ancient origin over a century since the Japanese ruled period. This industry once withered when time passing; however, the trend of cultural and creative industries and localism reforms the cultural meaning of the lane of Chinese pickled vegetable. The whole essay states the author’s creation serious of Chinese pickled vegetable of Madou District in Tainan City from 2005 till now, and discuss the creation of art, form and demise of the native culture with the perspective of cultural and creative industries.The essay included five chapters. Chapter one introduced the background of research, motivation, and purpose of this creation. Chapter two discussed the trait and the development of culture creativity industry in Taiwan. Chapter three described the original culture and recorded the construction these years and the promotion of lane of Chinese pickled vegetable by county government. Chapter four illustrated the thought of creation and the faith stemmed from Chinese pickled vegetable. Chapter five concluded to preserve the unique native culture with more versed art in the future.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
