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王恩薇; Wang, En-wei 朱紋皆; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王恩薇; Wang, En-wei
  • 朱紋皆; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班
  • 主題: 意象; 心靈; 孤寂; spirits; loneliness; images
  • 描述: 本創作研究論述,是以筆者二○○八年至二○一○年期間之創作作品為研究範圍,論述個人創作的思維及藝術創作理念的剖析。筆者透過創作理念的溯源、創作形式概念的成因、作品的內容說明等三個面向,對個人的創作進行審視。創作動機與目的,主要說明筆者從生活體驗中尋找與個人發生的情感為創作的發想,藉由生活中的物件之隱喻與象徵,運用與自身的作品相關的論點表現個人的創作語彙,以抽象表現的繪畫來傳達情感與精神,而畫家布里 (Alberto Burri, Italian, 1915~1995) 的創作形式與內容上,給予筆者在創作上有莫大的影響。本創作研究中,主要著重筆者孤寂的情感,從具象的生活物件轉化成簡化的形體,形成心中的意象,而形成的意象代表著筆者心理的現狀,隨著當下的情緒畫上撫慰心靈的色彩,進而營造孤寂、沉靜的氛圍。深入探討筆者內心的世界─寂境,透過文字的梳理與自身創作實踐兩方面的對照改進,並從中對自我創作有更深一層的體悟,同時提出後續的發展方向。本論文的撰寫內容與架構為─緒論:包括研究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟、研究範圍、名詞解釋與架構。第一章學理依據:抽象表現繪畫的探究,分析整理抽象表現繪畫的精神、繪畫空間的探究及布里的繪畫詮釋。第二章形式與內容:自我心靈的呈現,透過心理學及相關理論論述內在的世界,及分析藝術創作作品的形式及內容。第三章創作實踐之探討及作品詮釋:詮釋自己創作之脈絡與過程,解析作品的表現內容、表現形式及表現技法與媒材。結論:針對自己的論文之論述及創作發展的作品進行回溯及檢視,提出對未來的創作發展方向的可能性與期許。
    The discussion over creation study is based on the creations during 2008 and 2010, which analyzes personal creation thoughts and art creation perspectives. The personal creation is inspected through three aspects: the origin of creation perspectives, the factors of creation style concepts, and the interpretation of the contents. The creation motives and purposes show the creation inspiration from which the creator finds the affections through life experiences. With the metaphor and symbol of objects in life, the related viewpoints of his own works are used to present the personal creation terms. The affection and spirits are transmitted by abstract paintings. The creation style and contents of the painter, Alberto Burri (Italian, 1915-1995), influence a lot on the writer’s creation. The creation study emphasizes on the loneliness of the writer. The concrete objects in life are transformed into simplified structures and then formed inner images, which represented the current internal status of the writer. With emotions of the moment, colors are painted to comfort the spirits, and then created the lonely and silent atmosphere. The writer’s inner world, lonesome images, is probed. It is improved through text arrangement and self-creation application, and self-creation is realized; the following development direction is submitted at the same time. The contents and structure of the thesis is an introduction to the motive and purpose of the study, its method and process, the range of the study, the glossary, and the structure. Chapter one, the theoretical basis, probes into abstract painting, which analyzes its spirits, space, and the interpretation of Burri’s painting. Chapter two, the style and contents, presents self spirits, which discusses the inner world through psychology and related theories, and analyzes the style and contents of art works. Chapter three, the exploration and works interpretation of creation practice, which interprets the thread of thoughts and processes, analyzes the contents, the style, the skill and the materials of works. In the conclusion, the discussion and creation development of the thesis are reviewed and inspected; the possibility and expectation of future creation are brought up.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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