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阮玉茹; Juan, Yu-ju 林登順; Deng-Shue Lin; 國語文學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 阮玉茹; Juan, Yu-ju
  • 林登順; Deng-Shue Lin; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 魏晉朝; 動物賦; Fu; Fu; 'Animals'Wei-Jin dynasties
  • 描述: 動物文學源起於《詩經》、《楚辭》,承襲漢賦,動物賦創作於魏晉到達繁盛。受到當時政治、思想、社會風氣的影響,藉動物抒發文人己身的思想情志,藉動物之處境表達周遭的環境,這是魏晉文人的表達方式。動物賦道出了作者的心情感受,亦表達其內心渴求平和、自由的思想。本研究以魏晉動物賦研究進行討論,探究賦作的基本內涵及文人的思想、精神。本研分為五章,二到四章為主要論述。第一章,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法及前人相關研究成果與探討。第二章,從賦的發展背景,探究動物賦的源流,並探討魏晉時期動物湧現的原因。第三章,分析各家作品中所呈現的情與志,並予以歸納分類。第四章,析論魏晉動物賦的藝術特色,從題材、寫作技巧、描繪手法及內容意涵,呈現動物賦的特徵。第五章,總結各章節重點。魏晉時期動物賦的研究,增加辭賦文學題材研究的一個面向,也藉以表達此時期文人內心世界的感受、深入瞭解其作賦心態與審美旨趣,亦可由此反映文人所處的社會現象與時代心理。
    Inherited from Han Fu, the Chinese literature concerning animal was originated from the Book of Songs and Chu Ci. The ideas guiding creation in animals’ Fu became blooming in Wei-Jin dynasties during which the current politics, ideology and tendencies in society have profound influences on the animals’ Fu. It is a common practice for Wei-Jin literati to express their ideology and aspirations as well as the surrounding circumstances under the guise of animals. These animals’ Fu not only conveyed personal emotions and the frame of mind for the authors, but also stressed the inner desperation and ideology for peace and liberty. This research studies the animals’ Fu in Wei-Jin dynasties with the attempts to explore the fundamental connotation and the spiritual ideology of the literati. This thesis is constructed by five chapters through which chapter two to chapter four address the main propositions of this study. The incentives, objectives and scope of this study are formulated in chapter one within which the thoroughly review of previous relevant research results from the open literature is performed. In chapter two, the origin of animals’ Fu as well as the rationale for the prosperity of the animals’ Fu in Wei-Jin dynasties is explored based on the backgrounds for Fu’s development. The differential sentiment and aspiration from the various factions are analyzed, classified and summarized in chapter three. Chapter four examines and addresses the artistic characteristics of the animals’ Fu in Wei-Jin dynasties. In this regard, the characteristics of animals’ Fu are illustrated by examining the various themes, writing skills, means of artistic expressions, contents and the connotation of Fu. The concluding remarks from each chapter are summarized in chapter five.By way of performing this study for animals’ Fu in Wei-Jin dynasties, the research aspects for Chinese literature of Ci and Fu are broadened. Also the interior feeling and desires of the literati in Wei-Jin dynasties, as well as their psychology, aesthetic consciousness and purport are deeply understood so that the social phenomena and the trend of psychology for the literati are revealed
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
