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郭永漢; Kuo, Yung-han 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 郭永漢; Kuo, Yung-han
  • 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 幻想文學; 小說; 寓言; 神話; 圖騰; 民間童話; fantasy literature; novel; fable; myth; totem; fairy tales
  • 描述: 本論文共分為六章。以童話的特質「幻想」為理論基礎,從角色、題材、場景、物品的幻想,闡釋各文體中的童話質素;以擬人、誇大、象徵等修辭技巧為分析工具,欣賞與蛇相關的民間童話篇章藝術性;以幻想成分、情節安排、角色刻畫、主題設計為四個面向,探究民間童話中蛇角色的定位。 在民間童話幻想中,蛇的角色是多元的: 原始社會中,蛇呈現出來的是圖騰蛇與人類關係的幻想。初民因為具有動物崇拜、萬物有靈的思維,而有了與蛇結為親屬的關係。 神話中,蛇是與神交流的幻想。《山海經》中的蛇是自然界的蛇,是異體合構的身軀,是神的代言人。蛇的角色是無所不能的神人,如同人首蛇身的女媧一般,能幻化形體、繁衍子孫。 傳說中,蛇是功利主義下的犧牲者。劉邦斬蛇,蛇成了「君權神授」的象徵;仙話中的傳說,蛇成了仙人斬妖除魔的對象,是英雄人物製造傳奇,必除之害。 寓言中蛇的描寫,是社會現實中人性狡猾的反映。從初民原本對蛇神聖的崇拜,採「以此喻彼」的文學手法,還原蛇本身的兇殘狡猾。 小說中的蛇漸漸脫離野獸的本能,轉而是對蛇角色的人性刻畫。《白蛇傳》蛇妖的角色,從吸取男子精氣,變成蛇賢妻的報恩,再轉化到愛情理想的追求者;幻想中蛇的小說情節,是結構完整、角色刻畫細膩、題材豐富、主題富有教育意義的民間童話。 中國民間童話中蛇的角色,顯現出來的是祖先的擬人化、神明的誇大化、人性的象徵化、善惡的幻想化、虛實的對應化。
    This thesis includes 6 chapters. The research is based on the theoretical framework of “fantasy” fairytale, It aims to interpret innate nature in various literary styles from different fantasy roles, themes, scenes, objects; to appreciate the artistry of folktales related to snake by using anthropomorphic, exaggerated, symbolic and other rhetorical techniques, and discuss the role of snake in the folktales from four perspectives such as fantasy element, plot, character and theme design. In the folktales, the role of snake is diverse, where as in the primitive society, the snake was revealed as the fantasy relationship between the snake totem and human. The primitive animals worship and animal spirit leads to the forming of family relationship with the snakes. In mythology, the snake was revealed as the fantasy of snakes interacting with Gods. The snake in the “Classic of Mountains and Seas" is described as a multi-form being, and a voice of God. The snakes played a role as demigods with supernatural powers, where it could change shapes and propagate offspring, as half woman, half snake medusa like character. According to legend, the snake is the victim of utilitarianism. The act of “Liu cutting snake” mystified snake as the symbol of the "divine right of kings" in fairy legends, the snake became the target of demon slaying, it became the rite of passage for the hero characters to complete. The description of the snake in the fable stories reflected the human cunning in the human society. By using literary “metaphor”, snakes were restored into brutal cunning images from divine worship. Gradually snake’ beast instinct demolishes in stories, and transform into humanized characters. In the story of ”White Snake" the role of the snake demon transformed into a honorable house wife from a life draining character, and eventually became an idealist of love, These snake''s fantasy novel has complete story structures, depicts delicate roles, rich themes, and educational folklore fairy tale. The snake''s role in Chinese folk fairy tales, revealed that the ancestors of the anthropomorphic, gods of the exaggerated, the symbol of humanity, the illusion of good and evil, the correspondence of the actual situation.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
