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范毅軍; Fan, I-chun 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 范毅軍; Fan, I-chun
  • 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班
  • 主題: 華語師資培育; TOCFL; 華語文教育; Chinese teacher education; TOCFL; Chinese language education
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討臺灣推動華語文教育之關鍵問題及解決策略,藉由文件分析法與訪談法等研究方法,了解臺灣華語文教育之實施經過,再探討目前華語文教育於國內外實施的情形、困境及目前的解決策略,進而提出更明確的解決策略與建議。本研究試圖達成以下幾項目的:一、探討臺灣華語文教育政策執行的問題;二、分析臺灣華語文教育內容的問題;三、檢討臺灣華語文教育師資的問題;四、提出解決臺灣華語文教育問題之建議。本研究依據研究結果發現,歸納其結論如下:一、在華語文教育政策執行方面:政府並非以長遠的考量來訂定華語文教育政策;政府各部門在處理華語文教育事務上缺乏協調機制;政府未將推廣華語文教育視為重要政策;華語文系所與華語文學會都有聯繫不足的問題。二、在華語文教育內容方面:臺灣的學習環境與華語文課程均有其特別之處;華語文教材版本選擇性少,且缺少因應不同語言及文化的版本。三、華語文教育師資方面:臺灣選送出國的教師人數有限,改以在地培訓方式供給國外所需華語教師;國內華語教師缺額不多,且工作不受保障;對外華語教學能力認證考試偏重知識論,不重實際教學能力;華語文系所師資培育課程時間過長,短期師資培訓班又缺少實務經驗的要求。四、華語文教育其他問題方面:教育部對華語中心只負責審查設立章程,沒有規範課程與評鑑機制;臺灣以臺語為日常生活用語的人數眾多,不利於外國人在臺灣學華語;提供給外國學生的獎學金過多,對本國學生不公平。最後,整合本研究的結果,研究者提出成立推動華語文教育的專責機關、建立臺灣華語文人才檔案庫、將華語師資培育學程與對外華語教學能力認證考試結合、政府協助國內大學與國外中小學進行校際交流合作、檢討提供外籍學生的獎學金制度、在華語課程中列入臺語戲劇、歌曲欣賞等建議。
    The study aimed to research the key problems and solutions of promoting Chinese language education of Taiwan. The main research methods were interview method and document analysis. Here were the main research purposes: (a) To investigate the problems of Chinese language education policy implementation. (b) To analyze the problems of the Chinese curricula, textbooks, and the proficiency test. (c) To explore the problems of Chinese teacher education. (d) To provide suggestions based on the research conclusions. The results were as follows1. In the aspect of Chinese language education policy implementation. (a) The Taiwan government did not make any long-term Chinese language education policies. (b) There were government departments associated with Chinese language education lack of coordination mechanisms. (c) Chinese language education was not regarded as an important policy. (d) Both the departments of Chinese language and Chinese language education associations lacked for cooperation.2. In the aspect of teaching Chinese language education. (a) The learning environment and the Chinese curricula are different from China. (b) There is less choice of Chinese language textbooks. (c) The Chinese language proficiency test develops so fast.3. In the aspect of Chinese teachers. (a) Only few teachers could be selected to teach Chinese abroad. (b) It is difficult for Chinese teachers to get a full-time job in Taiwan and the job security is not provided. (c) The subjects of Chinese teacher certified test emphasis on knowledge but ignore the practical capacities. (d) The teacher training courses are either time-consuming or insufficient.4. In the aspect of other problems of Chinese language education. (a) Ministry of Education did not stipulate compulsory course in the Chinese language centers and have an evaluation mechanism for them. (b) Taiwanese is one of the unfavorable factors of learning Chinese in Taiwan for foreigners. (c) Scholarships for foreign students are too much. In conclusion, based on the findings, this study made some concrete suggestions for the government, educational authority, and Chinese language centers.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
