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王元貞; Wang, Yuan-chen 葉千綺; none; 諮商與輔導學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王元貞; Wang, Yuan-chen
  • 葉千綺; none; 諮商與輔導學系碩士班
  • 主題: 生涯轉換; 適應困難; 碩士生; career transition; maladjusted; graduate student
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討適應困難碩士生的生涯轉換經驗,包括碩士生的適應困難狀態以及其生涯轉換歷程。本研究採取立意抽樣的方式,邀請五位有此經驗的受訪者為研究對象,透過半結構式的深度訪談進行資料蒐集,並以「整體—內容」的敘說分析方法,究所蒐集到的資料進行分析,研究結果如下: (一)促使碩士生感到適應困難的因素:1. 個人適應:對研究所有期待過高、追求完美的傾向2. 師生關係:與指導教授相處與溝通發生困難3. 同儕關係:沒有足夠的同儕支持力量4. 學業適應:能力有所不足,無法應付研究所課業、研究所中暗藏不合理的文化。5. 身心反應:出現失常、失控的生理、情緒、認知、行為狀態 (二)適應困難碩士生的生涯轉換歷程1. 休學念頭的主因有二:不良的師生關係,以及研究所生活缺乏意義感。2. 對於未來有所規劃的已休學碩士生,適應狀況較為良好,反之,對於休學後的生涯,沒有規劃的碩士生,則會陷入頓困、無助、無望、自責的調適期3. 成功完成生涯轉換的碩士生,會帶著在該經驗的成長,積極的作為或者發展正向的力量,如:彈性、自我悅納。最後,本研究者根據研究結論與發現,針對未來研究方向、以及實務工作者提出具體的建議。
    In this research, the authers explore the career transition experiences of maladjusted graduate students, including their career transition process and the difficulty they suffered from adjustment. The purposeful sampling was used in this study and five maladjusted graduate students were interviewed by using qualitative research method with semi-structured depth interview. For analyzing the data, a holistic-content perspective according to narrative research approach was adopted. The major findings are as follows:1.The factors that lead to the maladjustment of graduate students are list as follow.a. Personal adaptation: The students have inappropriate expectation of the institute and tend to be perfectionism.b. Teacher-Student relationship: The graduate students have difficult to get alone with the advisors, especially in communication.c. Peer relationships: The students feel overwhelmed by the sense of lonely while they put themselves in schoolfellow. d. Academic adjustment: The maladjustment was caused by incapacity of reading foreign literatures and the inappropriate hidden rules of the institute. e. Psychosomatic responses: Abnormality of Physiological condition, emotion, cognition and behavior were found in the maladjusted students..2.The findings of career transition process of maladjusted graduate students are list as follow.a. There are two main reasons for deciding to drop out. The first reason is the bad relationship between professors and graduate students. The second reason is no meaningful for the graduate student life. b. Dropping-out graduate students will adjust better if they have a plan for the future. In the other hand, those students without any plan will get into the adaptation period which is full of difficulty, helpless and self-blame on the contrary. c. Graduate students who succeed in career transiting will keep moving on by their learning, positiveness or positive strength as flexibility, self-acceptance etc. Lately, from the findings from the research provides practical suggestions for further research and professional helpers in the future.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
