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應捷民; Yin, Chieh-min 劉立宇; none; 體育學系碩士班 2011


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 應捷民; Yin, Chieh-min
  • 劉立宇; none; 體育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 發力率; 牽張反射; 增強式跳躍; 下蹲跳; counter movement jump; rate of force development; stretch shortening cycle; plyometrics
  • 描述: 目的:增強式訓練是常用的肌力訓練方式之一,彈翻床運動的方式其肌肉收縮模式與增強式訓練相似,然而以彈翻床運動作為訓練方式的研究很少,故本研究欲探討單次彈翻床運動對下肢爆發力表現之影響。方法:以10名年齡23.7 (2.11)歲、身高177.8 (2.44)公分及體重70 (4.6)公斤的健康大專男性為研究對象。採平衡次序法進行單次連續30下的彈翻床及跳欄運動,二種不同運動方式之間均間隔3天。每次實驗前受試者皆進行5分鐘熱身後立即進行彈翻床或跳欄運動,運動結束後第0、5、10及15分鐘的各時間點進行下蹲跳測試,藉以測量最大肌力、發力率及下蹲跳高度。以混合設計二因子變異數比較二種不同運動後各時間點之下肢爆發力表現之差異及以階層線性模式分析二種不同運動後之下肢爆發力表現的發展趨勢。結果:最大肌力、發力率及下蹲跳高度在二種運動之間均無顯著差異 (p>.05),但在最大肌力:彈翻床運動後之 T0 (2.49 (0.07) BW)及 T15 (2.52 (0.07) BW)顯著大於前測(2.41 (0.07) BW)且發展趨勢亦顯著大於0 (p<.05);跳欄運動後之 T5 (2.46 (0.07) BW)顯著大於 T0 (2.4 (0.07) BW) (p<.05)。發力率:彈翻床運動後之 T0 (5.72 (0.74) BW/s)、 T5 (5.64 (0.64) BW/s)及 T15 (6.32 (0.91) BW/s)均顯著大於前測(4.27 (0.66) BW/s)且 T15 (6.32 (0.91) BW/s)顯著大於 T10 (4.86 (0.63) BW/s),發展趨勢亦顯著大於0 (p<.05)。下蹲跳高度:彈翻床運動後之 T5 (52.2 (2.11) cm)顯著大於前測 (49.73 (2.21) cm) (p<.05);跳欄運動後之 T5(52.4 (2.21) cm)顯著大於 T0 (48.6 (2.52) cm)及前測 (49.73 (2.21) cm) (p<.05)。結論:彈翻床及跳欄運動後皆能提升下肢最大肌力及發力率,但就提升程度相較之下,彈翻床運動的提升程度較高,而對下肢整體爆發力表現而言,彈翻床及跳欄運動皆有相同地提升效果。
    Purpose: Plyometrics is one of the ways commonly used in strength training, the lower limb muscle contractions style in trampoline is similar to plyometrics. However, the study which used trampoline was very rare so this study tried to explore the effects of lower limb power performance with single trampoline and hurdle exercise. Methods: Ten males health untalented college students of age 23.7 (2.11) years, height 177.8 (2.44) cm, weight 70 (4.6) kg. The subjects were performed 30 repetitive jumps on trampoline and hurdle. There must be three days recovery between two sessions. The order of these two sessions was counterbalanced. The subjects were performed 5 minutes warm up before each experimental session and then performed trampoline or hurdle exercise right away. 0, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after main exercise, the subject performed counter movement jump (CMJ) on the force plate. And then to measure strength, rate of force development (RFD) and height of the jump. The data were analyzed by mixed design two-way ANOVA and hierarchical linear model. Results: Strength, RFD and height of the jump were no significant difference between two exercises (p>.05). But for strength, T0 (2.49 (0.07) BW) and T15 (2.52 (0.07) BW)were significantly higher than pretest (2.41 (0.07) BW)after trampoline exercise, and also the trend (p<.05); T5 (2.46 (0.07) BW)was significantly higher than T0 (2.4 (0.07) BW) after hurdle exercise (p<.05). In RFD, T0(5.72 (0.74) BW/s), T5 (5.64 (0.64) BW/s), and T15 (6.32 (0.91) BW/s) were also significantly higher than pretest (4.27 (0.66) BW/s)and T15 (6.32 (0.91) BW/s) higher than T10 (4.86 (0.63) BW/s)too, after trampoline exercise and also the trend (p<.05). In height of the jump, T5 (52.2 (2.11) cm) was significantly higher than pretest (49.73 (2.21) cm) after trampoline exercise (p<.05); T5 (52.4 (2.21) cm) was significantly higher than T0 (48.6 (2.52) cm)and pretest (49.73 (2.21) cm)after hurdle exercise (p<.05). Conclusion: Both two exercises could enhance strength and RFD, but for rate level, trampoline is better than hurdle exercise. For lower limb power performance, both exercises have same improvement.
  • 建立日期: 2011
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
