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李佳旻; Li, Chia-min 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂學系教學碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李佳旻; Li, Chia-min
  • 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 演奏詮釋; 樂曲分析; 鋼琴三重奏; 布拉姆斯; music analysis; piano trio; Brahms; performance interpretation
  • 描述: 約翰尼斯‧布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1896)為十九世紀德國音樂家,身處於浪漫最巔峰時期。有別於同時期作曲家多以強調個人情感之表達、形式追求自由的個人曲風,布拉姆斯卻擁護著古典傳統音樂自居,復古中求變化,開創出自己的創作風格。布拉姆斯一生創作了三首鋼琴三重奏,皆為晚年之作,本論文是以《C大調鋼琴三重奏,作品八十七》為主題論述。本論文分六章,第一章緒論為界定本論文的研究方向。第二章為探究布拉姆斯的生平及其他作品的概述,以探討其各個創作階段之音樂風格。第三章為簡述鋼琴三重奏的起源及演變,並簡析布拉姆斯鋼琴三重奏。第四章說明《C大調鋼琴三重奏,作品八十七》的創作背景,並從曲式、和聲等各方面探究。第五章則是選取三個有聲資料,針對此曲作一詮釋風格的比較。第六章為結論。《C大調鋼琴三重奏,作品八十七》一曲共四個樂章,每一樂章都有其獨特的音樂風格。第一樂章為風格簡潔明晰的奏鳴曲式;第二樂章是以匈牙利異國樂風主題的變奏曲式;第三樂章為三段體的詼諧曲式;第四樂章是奏鳴曲式的終曲。在本曲中隨處可見到布拉姆斯對其動機發展手法及複雜節奏的運用。在和聲方面,布拉姆斯頻繁地使用到不同種類的變化和絃,但整體而言和聲語法仍偏向傳統調性音樂和聲之手法。最後,筆者期望藉由本論文更了解布拉姆斯《C大調鋼琴三重奏,作品八十七》的創作手法及作品的內涵,同時能提供音樂教學者、演奏者之參考依據。
    Johannes Brahms (1833-1896) was a German composer whose music represents the climax of Romanticism in the nineteenth-century. His compositions utilize the structure and other elements from the previous Classical era, These characteristics distinguish him from his contemporary composers who primarily emphasized the expression of personal emotions as well as free styles in their music. Brahms composed three piano trios in his later years, and this thesis analyses his 《Piano Trio in C-Major, Op.87》.This thesis includes six chapters, the first one is to define direction of the thesis as an introductory. Chapter two explores Brahms’s compositional styles and life and introduces some his important works. Chapter three gives a brief history of piano trio’s origin and development. Chapter four explains 《Piano Trio in C-Major,Op.87》composing background, and also explores various musical aspects such as formal structure, harmony, etc. Chapter five interprets three audio recordings of this piano and compares their performance styles. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this thesis.《Piano Trio in C-Major,Op.87》contains a total of four movements. Each movement has unique musical styles. The first movement is uses a sonata form; the second movement is a variation form based on an exotic Hungarian theme; the third movement retains triple meter time signature and a ternary form a the style of Scherzo. The last movement again utilizes the Sonata-Allegro form. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a brief introduction of Brahms’s life and his musical styles, and also contains a detailed analysis of his 《Piano Trio in C-Major,Op.87》. These information can be useful for readers such as researchers, music educators and students.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
