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林虹君; Lin, Hung-chun 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂學系教學碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林虹君; Lin, Hung-chun
  • 侯志正; Chih-Cheng Hou; 音樂學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 樂曲分析; 夜曲; 蕭邦; musical analysis; nocturne; Chopin
  • 描述: 費德列克‧法蘭西斯‧蕭邦(Frederic Francois Chopin, 1810-1849)在所有浪漫樂派的鋼琴音樂作曲家中,是最令人注目與激賞的,為十九世紀初重要的作曲家之ㄧ。蕭邦一生寫作了大量的鋼琴作品,其音樂地位之崇高實可謂浪漫主義音樂的代表。 十九世紀,浪漫樂派時代,首先以「夜曲」之名創造出自己獨特風格的,就是英國的約翰‧費爾德,而蕭邦採用了約翰.費爾德的夜曲創作想法與經驗,將夜曲的風格帶入一個更高的境界。蕭邦自一八二七至一八四六年之間,一共寫作了二十一首夜曲,涵蓋了整個創作生涯。蕭邦在《夜曲》作品的創作中運用了許多技巧與音樂元素,不論在鋼琴技巧的展現或是整體音樂的張力,都是非常豐富且華麗的。透過曲式分析、調性分析、和聲分析、主題旋律的應用與創作手法比較等各種的面向,逐一分析四首樂曲的各個段落。本論文以蕭邦《夜曲》作品為主題,共分為六章,第一章緒論,第二章為蕭邦的生平與創作風格,第三章為夜曲的沿革,這三章內容先針對其創作背景作深入的了解與剖析;第四章為蕭邦夜曲創作手法之探討,探討《夜曲》作品九之一、作品十五之一、作品二十七之二、作品五十五之一的曲式運用及創作手法並加以歸納整理,第五章為蕭邦《夜曲》演奏版本之詮釋比較,比較這四首夜曲有聲資料的詮釋;第六章為結論,對所研究之內容作總結,希望藉由此篇論文能對於樂曲有更詳細與深刻的認知。
    Frederic Francois Chopin (1810-1849) was known as one of the most important Romantic piano music composers. Chopin composed a large amount of piano compositions throughout his lifetime. His lofty status made him a representative of Romanticism in music.English composer John Field (1782-1837) primarily created his own unique style in the name of “nocturne” in the nineteenth century. Adopting Field’s thoughts and style, Chopin made the state of nocturnes even higher and more manifold. Chopin continually composed twenty-one nocturnes from 1827 to 1846. This thesis explicitly studies Chopin’s 《Nocturne》 No.1, No.4, No.8, and No.15 respectively. He utilized many different techniques and musical elements in these nocturnes to present abundant and splendid musical expression and intensity. Each of these four Nocturnes was analyzed in the musical form, tonality, harmony, utilization of melodic element, etc. Taking Chopin’s 《Nocturne》 as the topic, the thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction; the second chapter introduces Chopin’s life and compositional style; the third chapter explores the history of nocturnes. The fourth chapter studies the compositional techniques of Chopin’s nocturnes, inducing the formal analysis and compositional techniques. The fifth chapter interprets and compares different performers recordings of these four Nocturnes. The final chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will provide detailed and valuable information to readers.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
