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留一心; Liu, I-hsien 汪中文; none; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 留一心; Liu, I-hsien
  • 汪中文; none; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 繪畫; 形象符號; 接受史; 文化形象; 陶淵明; Rezeptionsgeschichte; Culture Image; Tao Yuan-Ming; symbols; painting
  • 描述: 本篇論文之研究,包含了三大範圍(一)以接受史的觀點,探討各朝代陶淵明文化形象的演變與被接受的狀況(二)針對陶淵明的文化形象內涵進行探析(三)在後人創作的陶淵明題材繪畫中,尋找陶淵明的形象符號,論證陶淵明文化形象的穩定性和被高度接受的狀況。從接受史的角度來看,陶淵明文化形象是經由後人解讀與再創造而成,所以讀者的接受與心理活動也需要同時關注到。為全面的瞭解陶淵明的文化形象,研究時應兼顧到「作者」---「文本」---「讀者」三者之間相互的關係。本論文的研製欲以「文化」的角度,探討陶淵明「文化形象」在歷代讀者不同的社會背景、心理因素、審美觀念下所產生的演變,與被突出的內涵。由於陶淵明的人格、作品具有高度的感染力與真淳的質地,使他的文化形象經由歷代的演變之後,逐漸形成世人趨於一致理解的「典型化」形象。許多耳熟能詳的陶淵明生平軼事,深刻的印入廣大世人的內心,進而形成某些代表固定意義的「符號」,如以「不為五斗米折腰」代表他的隱逸高蹈、不慕榮利;「桃花源」是他理想的社會藍圖。「自然任真」、「隱逸高蹈」、「詩酒人生」、「固窮樂道」是陶淵明文化形象中最突出的內涵。後人對他高度的接受,使陶淵明的文化形象,成為中國文化中的「符號」。這些「符號」反覆出現在人類生活的一切活動中,它是屬於文學的、藝術的、心理學的、美學的。這些符號不只在文人間以文學創作、書法、文人畫等文化載體反覆出現,也深入到一般社會民眾的心理,例如:戲曲、家訓、屋舍樓閣的命名等,都可見到陶淵明的形象符號。最後援引西方的符號學理論,探討陶淵明留給後世的形象符號及在繪畫中使用的狀況。論文中探討了「陶淵明在後人心中的『理想形象』---以高士、飲者為造型」、「陶淵明在繪畫中的『隱逸形象』---以桃花源為意符」、「陶淵明在繪畫中的『隱逸形象』---以不為五斗米折腰、歸去來兮為意符」、「陶淵明在繪畫中的『自然形象』---以柳、松、菊為意符」。雖然中國直到近代才開始運用西方「符號學」的理論,但其實很早前中國就有了「意象」的觀念。兩者雖然名詞不同,但在內涵上是相通的,且由於傳統中國不強調科學化的理論,故在此借用西方的科學理論,來探討陶淵明的文化形象內涵,及在繪畫中的「符號」使用現象,使論文得到理論性的支持。
    Three major research areas are proposed in this thesis: 1. to find out the acceptance of Tao''s "culture image" in different generation, 2. to analyze the internals of Tao''s "culture image" and 3. to find out the applications of Tao''s "symbols" in the paintings of the off-springs.Tao''s culture image is recreated by off-springs with understandings of individuals. Thus, we need to concern with the metallic perception of the "readers", while going through the entire research. This thesis majors on the view points of “culture” to find out the evolutions of Tao''s "culture image” from the readers. The readers of generations might be different in their backgrounds, metallic perception and aesthetics. Just like Tao''s personality, his articles are close to civilians’ daily lives, this special characteristics make Tao becoming a kind of typical "culture image". Many well known stories of Tao are deeply impressed by the people, and becoming representative "culture image". For example, "never bow for food" represents his high self-respect and never beg for wealth. The "utopia" describes his ideal sociality.Tao''s most well known "culture images" are, to be oneself, never beg for food, carpe diem and to live and work in peace and contentment. Tao''s "culture images" become important "symbols" and have great influence on Chinese sociality. For example, the symbols might be represents in some drama or family guidelines or even names of rooms.This thesis also applies semiology to analyze the influence of Tao’s culture image in the paintings. We probe into the major "culture images" and taking well known stories or writings to find out the internal meanings. By apply semiology, we can get objective and scientific results.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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