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張美凰; Chang, Mei-huang 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張美凰; Chang, Mei-huang
  • 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系碩士班
  • 主題: 人物形象; 封神演義; image of characters; Fengshen Yanyi
  • 描述: 第壹章緒論:本章是說明研究動機、目的、價值、文獻探討及研究範圍與方法。第貳章《封神演義》內容溯源:本章是為了解封神人物為後人景仰的原因,探討人物之取材是否完全脫胎於此書,或是作者匯集群冊所摘要出之精華。探究《封神演義》故事的來源,有根據史傳而來者;有採取現成通俗文學材料者;有融合民間傳說和神話者;有吸收佛道教信仰者;每類皆分別舉例說明之。在深入了解作者歸納整理群冊的功夫,知悉透過其高明的寫作技巧,抽絲剝繭以理出耐人尋味的情節後,予以肯定此書值得研讀的價值。第參、肆章《封神演義》闡教人物形象分析:闡教人物是《封神演義》這部書中的主角,他們的個性鮮明,緊扣天命不可違的觀念,發展出因果皆有數的情節。筆者從第參章開始,先簡要敘述「闡、截」二教不同的中心思想,再著墨於「闡教」的教義,以凸顯這些人物所處的背景,最後將人物形象分類,分為上、下兩章來深入論述,並追本溯源探究與比較這些典型人物在《封神演義》書中與其他書中形象的異同,並以他們的形象所象徵的意義作結。第伍章《封神演義》截教人物形象分析:本章將從「截教」的中心思想出發,將人物分類論述,並進一步與闡教幾位典型人物代表的形象特徵做一比較。第陸章《封神演義》人道人物形象類型分析:本章將書中由人道成仙的人物細分為君王與忠臣、逆臣兩類來深入論述他們的形象特徵。此類人物形象歷來的研究成果不多,但他們卻是故事中用來穿針引線的重要靈魂人物,有了他們的存在,才使得故事情節更加的引人入勝,因此筆者希望在深入分析他們的形象後,可增加大家未來在閱讀上不同的思考方向。人物形象塑造得如何,往往是衡量一部小說成功與否的重要尺度。人物的成功並不僅止於人物形象的鮮明生動,而是作者能更深一層的藉由人物的刻畫,將人物背後所蘊含的社會意義表現出來。有鑒於此,在本論文的主文中,筆者除了著重於各類人物的形象分析外,也將進一步強調他們所象徵的社會意義,並著墨於這些典型人物的心理特徵,希望能進一步映證此部著作的人物形象有其值得研究的價值。。第柒章結論,將《封神演義》中代表性人物與台灣民間信仰做一比較,強調《封神演義》一書是影響民間信仰甚鉅的作品,幾百年來,流傳不衰,幾乎是家喻戶曉、眾所皆知的一部通俗小說,其中幾位性格突出的人物形象,在作者高明的技巧中烘托而出。尤其是這些典型人物貫串於書中的精神,在他們封神後,又能廣為後人所傳頌,並為民間百姓所供奉等,其所代表的意義及民俗供奉的方式等都是值得深入探討的主題。
    Chapter One discussed about the motivation, purpose and value of the research followed by literature reviews, research framework, and methodology.In Chapter Two, it focused on the sources of Fengshen Yanyi for the purpose of (1) why those main characters was admired by offspring and (2) whether those studied characters were chosen from Fengshen Yanyi or selected from the essence of serial books by the author. According to the various origins of Fengshen Yanyi, the researcher classified them into four categories, based on the history, collected from the popular fiction, mixed with legends and myths, and absorbed the beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism, with supporting examples respectively. It is noteworthily that through the author’s effort on rearranging story sources and vivid writing style, it provided the intensively interesting story line and value of this novel. Chapter Three and Four mainly analyzed the characters image of Chanjiao, the main figures of Fengshen Yanyi with vivid personalities and were driven by the beliefs of not opposing Heaven''s mandate. Under this scope, the author created the plots of cause and effect. At first, the researcher had a briefly description of Chanjiao and Jiejiao’s central concepts, later she moved on to the religious dogma of Chanjiao in order to manifest the history background of the novel. In what follows, the characters are classified according to their represented symbols and then compared their similarity and difference appeared in other literatures by two consecutive chapters. Finally, it is concluded by their representative symbols. Chapter Five analyzed the characters image of Jiejiao. It started from the central concept of Jiejiao, categorized the figures to have the further comparison with some typical Chanjiao characters.Chapter Six is the image analysis of human gods categorized into two parts, sovereigns and loyal officials and rebellious officials. Although this analysis is rarely demonstrated, those human gods were the soul of the novel and the spirit of the plots. As the result, the researcher may provide a different perspective for the further reading. The important criterion for reviewing a worth reading novel is related to how the author portrays the characters. The active figures are not only derived from the vivid image but also the embodied social elements. According to this, the researcher emphasized on the image analysis as well as the represented social value and their psychological features. Thus, the researcher may shed a light on the characters of Fengshen Yanyi. In Chapter Seven, the researcher concluded with the profound influence that Fengshen Yanyi had on Taiwanese folk religion by the comparison of the classic characters of Fengshen Yanyi and Taiwanese folk religion. For hundreds of years, Fengshen Yanyi is considered as one of the classical novels due to the narrative technique of projecting the image of crucial figures. Moreover, after those model characters becoming gods, their spirits glorified and worshipped by the offspring, and their representative value and worshipped mode are worthy of further researches.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
