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劉宗光; Liu, Tsung-kuang 李建億; Chien-I Lee; 數位學習科技學系碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 劉宗光; Liu, Tsung-kuang
  • 李建億; Chien-I Lee; 數位學習科技學系碩士班
  • 主題: 量感; 重量感知系統; 鷹架; quantitative intuition; Weight-awareness system; Scaffolding
  • 描述: 本論文研究主要探索利用數感、經驗課程與行動學習理論來協助學童聯結肌肉感覺與工具刻度以建立重量量感,提升學童重量估測能力。從多元智能的觀點而言,量感屬於肢體智能的一種,需要不同於數學邏輯智能的學習方式;從布魯納的鷹架理論觀點而言,教學者必須由少而多的提供的適性化的學習鷹架,如此學童才有機會發展解題策略,建構知識系統。因此本論文將以無線射頻技術結合行動學習的概念建置重量感知系統,協助學童自主學習建立量感。本研究對象以高雄縣某國小學童共五十八人,分為實驗組與對照組,以數學領域之「量與量測」單元為實驗課程,進行實驗,發現在重量保留與重量排序概念的學習成效有顯著差異,顯示了重量感知系統是是可以協助學生建立量感。但因為對重量組合與重量分割概念的學習牽涉較複雜的能力,學習成效則無顯著差異。以相關性而言,由於一般評量並未能測驗量感,所以數學成就與學習成效沒有顯著相關。另外由於女生對於複雜的實驗較耐性,因此在重量排序實驗上表現較男生為優,其餘表現均與性別沒有相關。
    In this thesis, we tried to integrate the concept of number sense,experiential curriculums and mobile learning devices into a useful mechanism to help the learners to easily establish the quantitative intuition of weight and promote the abilities of estimation by connecting the feelings of muscle and scales of tools. Based on the theory of multiple intelligences , quantitative intuitions of weight is a special kind of bodily-kinestthetic intelligence .The way of improving quantitative intuition of weight differs from the one of improving the others. Besides, based on Bruners’ theory of scaffolding, the teachers have to offer the adapting scaffoldings for the students by correct procedure to make sure that the students could develop strategies and construct knowledge. Therefore, the thesis tried to erect the mechanism by applying RFID technology to help the students improving quantitative intuition of weight. In the experiment, there were 58 fifth grade students of Kaoshung County elementary school who were divided into the experimental and control groups, randomly. The testing course was ”quantity and measuring” of mathematics. From the experimental results, the proposed mechanism could help the students to learning the concept of conservation and sorting, efficiently. The effectiveness is better than which by using the traditional teaching strategy and up to a significant level. However, there was no significant difference in learning the concept of combination and division, because it might take a longer period to learning these two concepts . In term of relevant, the effectiveness of mathematics achievement and learning achievement has no significantly correlation, because the traditional tests can not evaluate the actual quantitative intuition Similarly, there was no significant correlation between boys and girls, except the learning achievement of the concept of sorting,because the girls are more patient.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
