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王澤祐; Wang, Ze-you 黃國禎; Gwo-Jen Hwang; 數位學習科技學系教學碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 王澤祐; Wang, Ze-you
  • 黃國禎; Gwo-Jen Hwang; 數位學習科技學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 學習態度; 學習成就; 電腦化概念構圖; 電子白板; 電概念構圖; learning attitude; academic achievement; computerized concept mapping; interactive whiteboard; concept mapping
  • 描述: 概念構圖對提升學習成效的助益,已於國內外諸多的研究中被證實。藉由電腦化概念構圖軟體的使用,教學活動不再侷限於紙本的繪製,而可透過多元及方便的方式來使用概念構圖。本研究旨在探討不同概念構圖教學模式對學生學習態度、學習成就及概念構圖教學接受度的影響。研究者以六年級學生為對象,將學生分為三個組別:實驗組1以建置電子白板之e化專科教室進行電腦化概念構圖分組教學;實驗組2進行個別電腦化概念構圖教學;控制組則以紙筆方式進行個別概念構圖教學。實驗結果發現,實驗組1在自然科學習態度部分顯著優於其他二組,代表以電子白板進行概念構圖分組教學模式確實有提升學習興趣之功效;同時,對於使用概念構圖進行學習的接受度方面,實驗組1及實驗組2皆顯著優於控制組,代表電腦化概念構圖教學模式比傳統紙筆方式更能被學生所接受。另外,在學習成就方面,實驗組2顯著優於實驗組1。由此可知,個別電腦化概念構圖的學習方式優於分組概念構圖,可見在以個人為主的學習活動中,分組學習的方式若未搭配好的合作學習策略,反而造成相反的效果。因此,未來在實施概念構圖的教學策略時,若能結合電子白板的互動優勢,並輔以個別化的學習模式,或搭配更有效的合作學習策略,將有助於兼顧學習意願與學習成效。
    Many researches concerning concept mapping would improve students’ academic achievement have been verified in the globe. An alternative way for educators to conduct concept mapping activity will be via computerized instruction in place of traditional pencil-based one. The study attempts to investigate the effect of diverse concept mapping strategies on students’ attitude, academic achievement and acceptance toward concept mapping instruction. Sixth graders are invited as the subjects of the study and divided into three groups randomly, two experiment groups and one control group. The first experiment group, called group A, is assigned to conduct computerized concept mapping instruction with interactive whiteboard in a form of subgroups. The second experiment group, called group B, is assigned to conduct computerized concept mapping instruction in individual only; while the control group is assigned to conduct pencil-based personal concept mapping instruction. The result findings are shown as follow:1. The group A had partly significant higher effect than that of other two groups, which means conducting computerized concept mapping instruction with interactive whiteboard will motivate students in Science learning. 2. In terms of the acceptance toward concept mapping instruction, two experiment groups had significant higher effect than control group, which means computerized concept mapping instruction is easier than pencil-based one to be accepted by students. 3. As to the academic achievement, group B had significantly better performance than group A, which means students who were given personal computerized concept mapping presented better academic achievement than those who adopted computerized concept mapping with subgroups. Thus, it can be seen that conducting a learning activity in a form of subgroup may not attain better effect without adopting proper cooperative learning strategies. Consequently, the study suggests that students would obtain better academic achievements and motivations in the concept mapping activity as long as educators employ the interactive interactive whiteboard with either a personalized way or an effective cooperative learning strategy.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
