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吳幸蓉; Wu, Hsing-jung 王婉容; Wan-Jung Wang; 戲劇創作與應用學系碩士班 2010


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳幸蓉; Wu, Hsing-jung
  • 王婉容; Wan-Jung Wang; 戲劇創作與應用學系碩士班
  • 主題: 走訪台南; 一年三季; 鳳凰花開; 文化地理學; 地方感; One year has three seasons; The phoenix flower has Bloomed; cultural geography; The sense of place; Walking and exploring through Tainan
  • 描述: 地方是文化地理學最基本的概念之一,簡單的說,就是人類創造出來的有意義空間。當人們在地方中活動,而漸漸產生了記憶、認同、歸屬、想像等種種情感上的依附之後,就產生了所謂的地方感。如何把在我們身體裡的地方感呈現出來呢?文本就是再現地方感最好的表現方式之一。本研究乃試圖透過書寫台南市的戲劇文本,來研究其透過怎樣的寫作技巧來形塑台南市的何種地方感。本研究所選擇的劇本分別是許瑞芳的《鳳凰花開了》、汪其楣的《一年三季》及台南大學戲劇創作與應用學系99級的集體創作《走訪台南》。《鳳凰花開了》是描述台南五條港時期的許氏家族後代,在光復前後所發生的故事,涉及國籍迷思及家族興衰演變的主題。《一年三季》乃圍繞在七o年代到九o年代之間,幾位住在台南市海安路女洋裁,面對海安路的興衰,該如何應變自處的故事。《走訪台南》是一群在台南求學的學生之觀察,透過田野調查、都市的地景、生活的觀察來把台南市的印象呈現出來。研究的結果發現:三本劇本的共同創作技巧,皆透過對台南市景觀的描述,來架構文本的空間背景,再運用台南地方常民所使用的語言—台語及說話的語調來形塑台南市的地方感,並於對話之間帶出台南市的地方特色—古蹟、小吃,來再現台南市的歷史感,從以上的技巧推展,《鳳凰花開了》再更深一層的表現出身份認同的地方感。《一年三季》則探討了適其所/不得其所的地方感。《走訪台南》則是像是在寫報告似的,把收集來的田調資料、城市觀察及城市書寫的相關資料整合後,重新創作,再現出他們心目中的台南印象。
    This research article is related to " the sense of place "." The sense of place " is one of the most important issues in cultural geography.The texts are one of the best ways to present the feeling of place. Therefore this thesis focuses on exploring how three different dramatic texts set up in Tainan present " the sense of place " with dramatic strategies.This thesis aims to analyze the play text in terms of “the sense of place” of Tainan which is also the hometown of the researcher.The researcher specifically chooses three play texts set up in Tainan to do this research.The first play text is “The phoenix flower has bloomed”. The author is Hsu Reyfang.The second play text is “One year has three seasons”.The author is Wang Chimei.The third play text is” Walking and exploring through Tainan”. The author is the junior undergraduate student of the department of drama creation and application in National University of Tainan under the instruction and facilitation of a visiting scholar from USA-Dr. John Weinstein.This research inquires into how these authors’ dramatic writing techniques present “The sense of place” in details with these texts as specific examples to demonstrate and analyze. The thesis also employs the theories of cultural geography to analyze the theoretical aspects embedded in the play text related to “The sense of place” as a way to understand the cultural and social meaning behind the dramatic texts.
  • 建立日期: 2010
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
