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藍依勤; Lan, Yi-chin 林妙徽; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 藍依勤; Lan, Yi-chin
  • 林妙徽; none; 幼兒教育學系碩士班
  • 主題: 幼兒; 科學博物館; 親子對話; 科學教育; young children; science museum; parent-child conversation; science education
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探究瞭解親子在參觀科學博物館過程中的對話歷程,以及親子對話歷程中的情境意義。 根據上述研究目的,本研究採質性研究法。研究對象為研究者過去實/見習班上的兩對親子(柚柚家和星星家),資料蒐集約歷時半年,各得到柚柚家六次與星星家五次的參觀觀察資料。兩對親子的參觀時間每次約在兩個小時左右,並在當天參觀完,以及參觀三天內進行訪談。蒐集方式包括現場觀察的錄影、錄音、訪談、文件,以及研究者所做的觀察筆記和省思札記等等。研究結果顯示:1、親子在科學博物館中的對話歷程約可分為對話的開始、主體和結束這三個部份。在不同的階段,親子雙方都會從對方的反應來決定回應的方式。2、親子對話的歷程中所顯現的情境因素包括來自個人的期望、經驗和興趣;也包括社會原因如親子間的關係、對彼此的瞭解;以及外在原因如展示的新奇度和能否取得使用權等等。3、另外,在研究中亦發現親子對話若基於平等和諧的基礎,便能產生有意義的交流,打破成人必然是知識權威的認知,也讓孩子在此對話歷程中能真正發聲,促進彼此更好的對科學的探索和學習。 最後,根據前述研究結果,對科博館館方、家長以及對未來研究者的可能方向提供幾點建議。
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the process of parent-child conversation in the National Museum of Natural Science and the elements that revealed in their conversation. Two families participated in the research. During the half year long research period, one family was observed for six times, and other was for five times. Each observation last for about two hours. After observation, two families were interviewed immediately, and repeated in three days to get more information. Different forms of data were collected, such as audiotaping of the parent-child conversation, videotaping of the parent-child interaction, interview of the parent and children, and fieldnote. The followings are major findings of the research:1. We can divide the process of parent-child conversation into three stage, which is starting, body and ending. Family members will response in different ways based on the others behaviors.2. The elements of expectation, experiences, interests, relation, understanding, the novelty of exhibitions and the right of using relate with each stage of the process of parent-child conversation.3. Parent-child conversation will be meaningful and will facilitate their scientific learning if it based on a equal foundation. Overall, several educational and research implications were made from the findings of this research.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
