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蘇俊豪; Su, Chun-hao 林美吟; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蘇俊豪; Su, Chun-hao
  • 林美吟; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班
  • 主題: 數位影像; 影像處理; 繪本; 擬人化; digital image; image technology; picture book; p
  • 描述: 本研究在探討繪本中影像處理擬人化造形與肌理表現,同時藉由個人繪本創作「夏季的最後一天」探究數位藝術創作之可能性、功能性與優缺點,以此探討數位影像處理在繪本之表現,創作出適合兒童閱讀的繪本,透過電腦繪圖、影像處理、圖像編排,完成本創作研究。目的在於如何透過數位影像媒材,表現擬人化造形與物像的肌理質感,實際應用於繪本創作之中。研究者的繪本以昆蟲、青蛙與稻草人為主題,運用Illustrator編繪造形,以及Photoshop影像處理功能,製作肌理質感和圖像編排,依照研究者的繪本製作流程的步驟依序完成。研究者希望藉由跨越媒材與跨越領域,將創作的一部份賦予數位科技,善用影像處理不是要跳脫手繪插畫的分野,而是幫助創作者大膽嘗試創作疆界,藉由數位科技的輔助讓我們探索繪本藝術延伸的可能性。關鍵字:數位影像、影像處理、繪本、擬人化
    The study we discuss about the Digital Image Technology for the personification shapes and the skin textures in the creation work. By my personal artistic creation called“ The Last Day in Summer” I try to research the possibility, functionality, advantage and drawback in Digital artistic creation work. And in this way, the performance of the Digital Image Technology in the picture book will be found. So I compose this picture book with the story which suits the children to read, and all this work was through the computer cartography, the portrait processing and the image arrangement. My goal is to learn how to use Digital Image intermediary materials to express the quality of personification shapes and the skin textures in the real creation work. The picture book was made on the subject such as insects, frogs, or scarecrows. The composer intents on utilizing the Illustrator for the shapes, as well as performing the Photoshop on image process function for the quality of the skin textures and the image arrangement. According personal program, the process of this picture book is getting completed. We hope to go over the intermediary material and the field in order to try a part with Digital technology, and make good use of image processing. That is not because of escaping from hand painting. It helps the creator attempt the creation border boldly. The Digital Technology assists the possibility which this art of the picture book extends. Keyword:digital image、image technology、picture book、personification
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
