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鄭佳茹; Zheng, Jia-ru 陳建發; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 鄭佳茹; Zheng, Jia-ru
  • 陳建發; none; 美術學系視覺藝術教學碩士班
  • 主題: 符號; 水墨創作; 象徵; Chinese Painting; symbol
  • 描述: 身處於二十一世紀的今日,在都市文明、環境快速變遷、生存競爭的壓力下,已造成全球人類內心的徬徨、紛亂、不知所措和莫名的恐慌,這些深藏在內心中的微妙情感,筆者也感同身受。藝術雖然是一種個人創作,但是創作者會因所處的時空背景或歷史環境不同而有所影響。所謂環境又包含了政治、風俗民情、經濟…等的匯合,所以藝術不僅在表達個人情感,更在呈現當時的社會狀況,也反應出社會的集體意識。所以此次選定「蛻變 ─人生與蝶的象徵符號探索」為論文的主題,以「蝴蝶」作為我筆下的主要語彙,用隱喻性的象徵手法,呈現三大主題,第一是:蟄伏系列─運用受困在繭中的蝴蝶,象徵困惑迷惘的人生。第二是:破蛹系列─則用蝴蝶正在破繭而出的狀態,代表人正要開始面臨各種未知的挑戰或選擇,以及承受成功或失敗結果的關鍵時刻。第三是:新生與折翼系列─破繭而出後有兩種結局,不是成功就是失敗,但是如果怕失敗,沒有經歷破蛹的挑戰,便無法新生,享受美麗絢爛的人生。嘗試把這些原存於內心因為適應人生過程而產生的情緒與調適,與自我對話,轉換為本次創作的來源,希望藉由創作的過程,釐清自己的思緒,並能以正向的態度面對人生的挑戰與挫折,把每一次的壓力,都視為進一步自我成長的契機。希望每個人都能珍惜生命,勇敢地迎向未來的挑戰,也都能如願變成美麗的蝴蝶,獲得最好的人生解答。
    In the rapidly changing urban environment of 21st century, the pressure of competition has led to anxious, confusion , and panic of the whole human being. These delicate feelings lying deeply in the heart of human emotions also profoundly touch the author. Art is a personal creation , but as the artist is a part of his time and space, these factors will have an influence. This so-called environment also includes politics and customs of society, economic activities, etc. Therefore the personal artistic expression reflects the social situation at that time as well as the collective consciousness of society. In this research , the selected “Metamorphosis ─ The Exploration of Human Life and Butterfly as Symbolizations in Chinese Painting” metaphorically describes three themes. The first is the dormant series – trapped in the cocoon of the butterfly, a symbol of loss of life and confusion. The second theme is that of the broken cocoon series where the butterfly emerges from the cocoon. This series is representative of the beginning of the challenges facing the unknowns, where the choices of the crucial moment result in success or failure. The third, emergence with folded wings series, can have two results, either succeed or fail. However, fearing defeat and not experiencing the broken cocoon’s challenge, one would not emerge into the beautiful, brilliant life. Keeping in mind the original process of life’s emotional adaptation, I hope to creatively capture and express a positive attitude to life’s challenges and setbacks , to use all of them as opportunities for further self-growth. I hope everyone can treasure life and find the courage to face the challenges ahead , just as the beautiful butterfly to find the best answer in life.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
