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陳冠宏; Chen, Kuan-hung 朱紋皆; Wen-Chieh Chu; 美術學系碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳冠宏; Chen, Kuan-hung
  • 朱紋皆; Wen-Chieh Chu; 美術學系碩士班
  • 主題: 資訊; 兒童; Information; Children
  • 描述: 近來,由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,使網際網路繼廣播、電視、報章雜誌之後,成為最具影響力的媒介。也因網際網路快速的成長,讓網路教學之遠景極具吸引力,隨著政經發展、社會環境變遷、國人學習價值觀念改變,以及資訊科技進步迅速等因素,傳統教學正面臨著相當程度的衝擊與挑戰。而今日的藝術風格與多樣貌的發展,也帶給人類生命豐富且無限的可能性;然而,盲目跟隨藝術潮流引領下的結果,卻也可能連帶迷失藝術中最真誠的本質。藝術創作的可貴即在主體精神層面上的「自覺」與「超越」,帶著跳脫制約框架的勇氣,尋找生命中客觀成長環境與主體經驗所交織而成的創作痕跡。本創作研究論述重點在於二○○七年至二○○九年期間,回溯作者的創作發展歷程和個人與生活的對應關係,將感知於外物的種種收受訊息,內化為個人對生活世界的主觀認知,透過理性的文字書寫,表達出感性的創作歷程,以達到追求自我的探索目的。對於研究論述之創作呈現,試圖利用自我本身在教育職場,與兒童正式接觸,所體會到的感受、心得,並藉由互動式的觀察,在透過感覺器官的覺醒,屏除自我設限的意識行為,重新去認識兒童,以主觀與直接對話的方式,將個人的創作思維,以及對現實生活環境的認知作為探討。透過歷史研究及創作研究實踐等研究方法,進行探討知覺對個人創作的影響與發展,運用理論模式與創作實踐兩者的交互平行研究,從中瞭解自己為何而作,進而省思藝術創作與個人心理與生活的關係。論文撰寫的內容,主要架構包括-緒論:闡釋本研究之動機與目的及研究方法和研究範圍;第一章:關於創作的學理探討,包括西洋藝術史、色彩的時代性與意義、兒童心理學分析、網路等各個部分之相關論述;第二章:分別針對「創作主題」與「創作形式」作歷史脈絡與相關闡釋、分析;第三章:探討作品創作對於表現形式、媒材技法的個人經驗,以及說明作品的整體思維與創作觀點;結論:為針對本論文之創作研究論述,提出綜合性結語,以及對未來發展方向的省思。
    Recently, Internet rather than broadcasting, TVs, magazines, and newspapers, has been more and more popular and become the most powerful media. Because of the rapid growth of Internet, the vision of teaching classes through Internet becomes very desirable and feasible now. With the development of politics and economics, the change of external environment, the transform of the values of learning, and the improvement of informational technology, the traditional teaching method undoubtedly is facing a big challenge. The modern art style, with various developments, enriches people life and brings unlimited possibilities. However, when people follow the art trend blindly, they might lose the honest nature of art at the same time. Artistic creations are valuable because its’ spiritual meanings-”conscious of oneself” and “beyond oneself”, which are thinking outside the framework to look for creative traces marked by objective environment and subjective experience. The point of this article is to discuss the author’s artistic productions from year 2007 to 2009, and how these creations’ influence on his personal life. To transfer various external information, which build up our perception, into subjective cognition to understand the world we live. The author expressed sensitive progress of creations through sense writing of words to explore and seek himself. All of these artistic creations are composed by the author’s feeling and experience of contacting with children from his teaching work. And through observing and interacting with children, which awaked the author’s feeling and let him abandon his old thought to re-know these children. By the skill of conversation with children directly, the author further discussed personal thinking and cognition to reality. Through the methods, like historical research and practical creation etc., the author explored how external perception influence on the author’s creation and why these creations were produced. Furthermore, the author introspect the relationship between artistic creations and his daily life. There are five parts in this essay as follows: In the introduction session, the author explained the research purpose, methodology, and research scope; In Chapter One, this article described theories of artistic creations, including the history of the western art, the times and meanings of color, the analysis of children psychology, and the development of internet. In Chapter Two, according to “topic” and “style” of artistic creations, the author interpreted its related historical traces, analysis, and discussion. In Chapter Three, the author described his personal experience of expressing art style, material usage, and technical skill of artistic creations and also explained his global thinking and artistic viewpoint. In the conclusion session, the summary of this essay and suggestions of future research were given.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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