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陳玥吟; Chen, Yueh-yin 洪顯超; none; 美術學系碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳玥吟; Chen, Yueh-yin
  • 洪顯超; none; 美術學系碩士班
  • 主題: 神話; 民俗; 圖像學; 圖像; 安平; mythology; folk; iconology; icon; An-Ping
  • 描述: 一種具有地域性色彩的視覺方言,來自斯土斯地的魅力,不同於六○、七○年代的鄉土寫實風格,而是將安平的地方圖像重新組構並賦予新意。從安平環境捕捉美的景緻並發掘物的存在與其象徵的意義,從生活中去發掘趨吉避凶民俗圖像的趣味、及其文化意涵,並透過時間與安平的歷史與在地圖像對話,從地方題材中尋找新的表現可能。 藝術是生活的反映與實現,筆者對自身成長的環境有深厚情感,因此以自己的故鄉安平,也是本次創作理論的內容範圍為研究對象,探討二○○四到二○○九年間作者研究所期間創作的作品。第一章「緒論」:交代研究動機與目的、研究方法與架構、研究範圍與名詞的界定。第二章「安平圖像的演繹」:主要透過歷史、心理學、神話學、民俗學、圖像學、哲學與美學等進行創作理論之探討。從視知覺的圖像捕捉、對存在物的關注,探討視覺藝術思維在創作上的運用;此外,針對安平民俗圖像的生成進行探討,經由圖像的解析,將之轉化成為現代水墨創作上的形式結構與象徵意涵,最後透過時間與安平圖像對話,並以現代水墨的鄉土題材之表現進行探討。第三章「創作理念與實踐」:針對筆者本系列創作的理念與實踐來進行說明。特別闡述安平的圖像語言在作品中所象徵的意涵、以及筆者創作圖像的思維過程,並說明創作媒材與技法上的運用。第四張「作品分析與詮釋」:針對安平圖像衍生而出創作作品,進行形式技法與理念意涵的說明。第五章「結論」:說明本創作理念研究的論述所提出的綜合性心得與結語,以及對未來發展方向的省思。
    From the charms of the very land comes an eye dialect with regional color. It differs from the local realistic style in the 60s and 70s, reconstructing and endowing the An-Ping folk icons with new thoughts. This study aims to capture the beauty of scenery in An-Ping area, digging into its existential and symbolic meanings; it excavates the pleasure from talismanic folk icons as well as their cultural implications; and it communicates through time with An-Ping history and its local images, searching for new possibilities of expression from these folk materials. Art is the reflection and realization of life. Given to the deep-rooted feelings upon her birthplace, the author takes her hometown An-Ping as the research object, exploring the works created during her graduate years from 2004 to 2009. Chapter One, Introduction, states the research motive and purpose, surveys the research methods and structure, and clarifies the research scope and terminology. Chapter Two, The Deduction of An-Ping Icons, probes into the creation theory through history, psychology, mythology, folklore, iconology, philosophy, and aesthetics. With access to the capture of visual icons and concerns about the existent, it explores the application of visual arts into creation. In addition, it focuses on the forming of An-Ping icons, analysis of which endows the icons with the structural and symbolic meanings in modern painting. Finally, the communication between An-Ping icons and time aids to investigate the expression of folk materials in modern painting.Chapter Three, The Ideal and Practice of Creation, dwells on the author’s ideal and practice in the series of creation. Special efforts are given to the meanings of An-Ping iconic language symbolized in works, and the process of thinking in creation, with an elaboration upon the application of materials and skills. Chapter Four, The Analysis and Interpretation of Works, focuses the derivative creations of An-Ping icons, investigating the strategic skills and implicit meanings of works.Chapter Five, Conclusion, provides the conclusive feedbacks drawn from this study and reflects upon future development.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
