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林京燕; Lin, Jing-yan 鄭方靖; none; 音樂學系碩士班 2009

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  • Title:
  • Author: 林京燕; Lin, Jing-yan
  • 鄭方靖; none; 音樂學系碩士班
  • Subjects: 艾弗瑞鋼琴教本; 好連得鋼琴教本; 爵士音樂; 鋼琴教學; 爵士鋼琴教學; 比較研究法; 鋼琴教本; Hal Leonard piano lesson; Alfred piano lesson; Jazz music
  • Description: 本研究旨在分析、比較艾弗瑞全能鋼琴教程與好連得成功鋼琴教程鋼琴教本中爵士音樂運用狀況。本研究採用內容分析法與比較教育研究法,故依內容分析法之定質及定量分析之方式與比較研究中之區域分析及比較分析之方法,以自編的「鋼琴教本各冊單元分析表」、「鋼琴教本爵士音樂教學內容一覽表」、「鋼琴教本各冊進程分析表」、「鋼琴教本爵士音樂內涵類目表」、「鋼琴教本中爵士音樂教學進程規劃分析表」、「爵士音樂教學內容比例」並列及比較表、「鋼琴教本爵士音樂選曲風格並列及比較表」、「爵士音樂進程規劃並列及比較表」作為研究工具。分析的鋼琴教本範圍為艾弗瑞鋼琴教本第1A級到第6級,好連得鋼琴教本第1級到第5級。 依據研究的結果與發現,本研究得以下結論:一、關於艾弗瑞鋼琴教本中運用爵士音樂的狀況,乃配合一般古典鋼琴教學之進度而融入,故僅有百分之十一點一的相關內容,且並非涉及全面的爵士音樂內容及曲風,亦無系統性規劃的進程。二、關於好連得鋼琴教本中運用爵士音樂的狀況,乃配合一般古典鋼琴教學之進度而融入,故僅有百分之十一的相關內容,且並非涉及全面的爵士音樂內容及曲風,亦無系統性規劃的進程。三、關於兩套鋼琴教材在爵士音樂教學內容之狀況,好連得鋼琴教本所使用的爵士音樂內容較艾弗瑞鋼琴教本豐富。(一)爵士音樂相關教學內容方面:好連得鋼琴教本中使用的爵士音樂內容有使用爵士風格的鋼琴伴奏讓學生體驗節拍、使用爵士風格的鋼琴伴奏搭配學生彈奏兩個黑鍵、使用爵士風格的鋼琴伴奏搭配學生彈奏兩個與三個黑鍵、使用swing節奏搭配學生彈奏樂曲、Jazz waltz節奏、九和弦、小大七和弦、d小調藍調音階、十三和弦。(二)爵士音樂教學頁數比例方面:艾弗瑞鋼琴教本與好連得鋼琴教本在運用爵士音樂內容的總頁數比例接近,而藉由兩套鋼琴教本的頁數比例比較觀察得知,艾弗瑞鋼琴教本在使用爵士音樂教學內容的頁數比例是採用逐漸增加的方式,依照學生的程度來增加其學習爵士音樂的內容。但無論如何還是以一般鋼琴教學內容為主。(三)爵士音樂要素運用方面: 1.相同點:皆有使用和弦、音階、風格與節奏四個項目;除了一般的三和弦及七和弦外,皆使用了九和弦及十一和弦;皆有使用C大調藍調音階與G大調藍調音階;swing節奏與12小節藍調曲式。 2.相異點:好連得鋼琴教本在爵士音樂要素之運用中的曲式有四首樂曲使用爵士音樂要素,而即興項目則有三首樂曲使用爵士音樂要素;曲目總和上,好連得鋼琴教本高於艾弗瑞鋼琴教本;艾弗瑞鋼琴教本使用的爵士和弦有增七和弦、減七和弦;好連得鋼琴教本使用的爵士和弦有十三和弦與小大七和弦;好連得鋼琴教本使用的爵士音階還有降E大調藍調音階、降G大調藍調音階、d小調藍調音階、降b大調藍調音階;艾弗瑞鋼琴教本多使用切分音節奏;好連得鋼琴教本多使用Jazz waltz的節奏;好連得鋼琴教本多使用了藍調曲式;好連得鋼琴教本在第2級到第4級的鋼琴教本中有使用爵士即興項目。四、關於兩套鋼琴教材在爵士音樂教學進程,乃配合一般古典鋼琴教學之進度而融入,故兩套鋼琴教材在爵士教學進程皆無完整之爵士音樂系統及順序規劃。五、關於兩套鋼琴教材在爵士音樂選曲風格之狀況,以古典鋼琴教學為主,故兩套鋼琴教程在爵士音樂選曲風格的種類上並非全面採用爵士曲風,且所採用之爵士曲風皆為搖滾風格、藍調風格、Jazz waltz、布吉伍吉風格、搖擺樂風格、散拍樂風格、黑人靈歌/黑人聖歌風格。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,以提供後續研究以及鋼琴教學者參考。
    The purpose of this research is to analyze and compare the usage of Jazz course in Alfred and Hal Leonard piano lesson. This research used the content analysis, comparative education research, and also developed own analysis tables according to the results of related references discussion as the main tools for the research. The scope of research converse Alfred piano textbook grade 1A~6, Hal Leonard piano textbook grade 1~5.According to the study results and findings, this research has the following conclusions:I. Regarding the usage of Jazz course in Alfred piano textbook, the Jazz-related content is rated 11.1% because it is adopted to fill in the progress of classic piano teaching. The fact is that it does not fully cover Jazz music and style and lack of systematic planning of the curriculum.II. Regarding the usage of Jazz course in Hal Leonard piano textbook, the Jazz-related content is rated 11% because it is adopted to fill in the progress of classic piano teaching. The fact is that it does not fully cover Jazz music and style and lack of systematic planning of the curriculum.III. Comparing the Jazz course between Alfred piano textbook and Hal Leonard piano textbook, the latter is enriched in content as shown in the following aspects. A. Content of Jazz course: In Hal Leonard piano textbook, it allows students to experience rhythm by accompanying with Jazz style piano while playing two and three black key, or accompanying songs , jazz waltz rhythm, 9th chord, minor-major 7th chord, d minor blues scale and 13 th chord with swing rhythm.B. Proportion of pages in Jazz course: The number of pages of Jazz course in Alfred piano textbook is pretty close to that in Hal Leonard pianotextbook. It also shows the proportion of Jazz course in Alfred piano textbook is accumulated by students’ level of skills; however, it is still based on general piano teaching. C. Elements of Jazz music:(i) Similarities: Both textbooks cover Jazz chords, scales, style and rhythm. In addition to the common 3th chord and 7th chord, they also use 9 th chord, 11 th chord, C major and G major blues scales, swing rhythm, and the form of twelve bar.(ii) Differences: In Hal Leonard piano textbook, there are four songs using Jazz elements, and three songs using Jazz improvisation techniques. The total number of songs in Hal Leonard piano textbook is more than that in Alfred piano textbook. Alfred piano textbook uses jazz chord that is augmented 7th chord and diminished 7th chord; it also uses syncopation a lot. Hal Leonard piano textbook uses jazz chord that is 13 th chord and minor-major 7th chord; the jazz scale used are B flat blues scale, G flat blues scale, d minor blues scale; it also uses jazz waltz rhythm and blues form a lot. In particular, it includes improvisation practice in grade II to IV.IV. Regarding the curriculum of both textbook, there is no implementation of complete Jazz music system.V. Regarding the style of jazz music in both textbook, it is limited to rock and roll, blues, Jazz waltz, boogie-woogie, swing, soul, etc.Finally, suggestions are made according to the results of the observations to provide reference for relative researchers and piano teachers.
  • Creation Date: 2009
  • Format: 121 bytes
  • Language: 中文
  • Identifier:
  • Source: NUTN IR

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