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葉淑美; Yeh, Shuw-mei 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班 2008


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 葉淑美; Yeh, Shuw-mei
  • 林登順; Teng-Shun Lin; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班
  • 主題: 寓言群落; 《呂氏春秋》; 人物形象; figure image; fables collection; Lu Shi Chun Qiu
  • 描述: 千載古籍《呂氏春秋》集眾士之言,融百家之說,抒治國之道,全書一百六十篇,所言;無不以治道為尚,以寓言故事寄寓其治道之說。本文以《呂氏春秋》寓言為研究主體,在體例上分為七章。第一章為緒論,說明論文的選題、研究範圍及前人研究成果探討。第二章從兩個角度概述,即《呂氏春秋》和寓言相關概念,這其中包括寓言定義和先秦寓言概念探討,呂不韋的生平介紹,及《呂氏春秋》這本書的撰著、體制。第三章把重心放在《呂氏春秋》寓言常見主角人物形象的討論,先析「孔子」、次論「士」,此兩者在呂書中以大量篇幅提及,成功地塑造了孔子的完美形象,體現士人在中國士文化史上占有相當的地位。三論君主王侯、大臣能相在品德、智慧、行事各方面的表徵。第四章以《呂氏春秋》寓言具特色的主角作討論,如呂書寓言中特殊的主角—動物、如愚蠢幼稚、僵化昏庸、怪誕荒唐、虛偽不實、陰險狡滑的宋人、楚人、齊人、婦女等,個個人物,個性鮮明、栩栩如生。第五章針對《呂氏春秋》寓言主題思想內容剖析,從政治思想、教育思想、音樂思想、及處事邏輯四個主軸來論述。第六章論《呂氏春秋》寓言的表現方式,分別為一、它是一部治道之書、謀國之略,言君道、言臣道、言治術,蘊含豐富政治思想,以政治寓言貫穿全書。二、直接被各家各派用來作為論證自己觀點的論據,故蘊含各家思想。三、運用寓言群結構的型態,呈現故事,加強邏輯說服力。四、在故事角色方面以歷史人物為主角的寓言占大多數,而以動、植物為主角的寓言只占少數。五、以誇張、擬人化、引用、譬喻等基本技巧,表現故事的生動性。末論《呂氏春秋》寓言人物形象的塑造手法。第七章結語,針對《呂氏春秋》寓言作一綜合研析。《呂氏春秋》寓言數量繁多、故事雋永、言近旨遠、辭淺義深,頗具哲理,在我國寓言史上是一個不可多得的瑰麗寶庫。
    The thousand-year ancient classic book Lu Shi Chun Qiu (or Lu-shih Ch''un-ch''iu, literally Lu’s Stories of the Spring and Autumn Period from 770 to 476 B.C.) is a collection of the teachings from a wide variety of scholars concerning the way of statesmanship. It comes with 160 articles; none of them places the art of statesmanship at secondary importance, if not paramount, and every article teaches the way of statesmanship with a fable story. This Study focuses on the fable stories of Lu Shi Chun Qiu and discusses them in seven chapters. Chapter One, Introduction, describes the topic selection, study scope, and previous explorations by other pioneers. Chapter Two describes the general concepts from two angles: Lu Shi Chun Qiu itself and its fable stories, including the definition of a fable story along with the discussion on the fable story concepts in the pre-Qin period, introduction to the biographical note of Lu Bu-Wei (the author of Lu Shi Chun Qiu), and the writing and the style of the book’s composition. Chapter Three focuses on the discussions on the images of the frequently mentioned figures, first analyzing Confucius and then scholars; both are referred with considerable efforts in Lu Shi Chun Qiu, where Confucius is given a perfect image and scholars significant positions in Chinese scholar statesmen culture. Chapter Three further elaborates on the paradigms established by kings, marquises, ministers, and able chancellors in integrity, wisdom, and conduct. Chapter Four discusses the characteristic figures in Lu Shi Chun Qiu. Examples include not just animals, but also the foolish, the childish, the stubborn, the incompetent, the absurd, the ridiculous, the hypocrites, the fake, the insidious, or the cunning, whether they are the Sung people, the Chu people, the Chi people, or the women. Every single figure has a distinctive personality, so vivid as if it really exists. Chapter Five dissects the topical ideologies of the fable stories in Lu Shi Chun Qiu from four major aspects: political ideology, educational ideology, musical ideology, and conduct logic. Chapter Six discusses about the presentation methods of the fable stories in Lu Shi Chun Qiu: (1) it is a book dedicated to the way of statesmanship and strategy of governance with teachings on the way of kingship, the way of marquise, and the governance techniques. This book conveys many political ideologies by telling political fable stories; (2) it is referred by various factions as a proof that supports their respective assertions, and this book therefore contains the ideologies of all major philosophies; (3) this book adopts collections of fable stories as its structure to present its stories and fortify its logical persuasion power; (4) historic figures are adopted as the roles in the stories more often than animals and plants; (5) the stories are vividly presented by using the fundamental techniques, such as exaggeration, personification, quotation, and analogy. This Chapter also discusses the personality shaping techniques used in the fable figures in Lu Shi Chun Qiu. Finally, Chapter Seven, Summary, generally analyzes the fable stories in Lu Shi Chun Qiu. With a staggering number of fable stories that are thought provoking, inspiring, and philosophically intriguing, Lu Shi Chun Qiu is a bountiful treasure of its own kind in the history of Chinese fable story.
  • 建立日期: 2008
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
