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李瑞榮; Li, Rui-rong 黃宗義; Zong-yi Huang; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 李瑞榮; Li, Rui-rong
  • 黃宗義; Zong-yi Huang; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班
  • 主題: 王羲之; 書法; 書學; 書譜; 孫過庭; Calligraphy; Book Study; Shu Puu; Sun Guoh-Tyng; Wang Hsien-Chih
  • 描述: 孫過庭,唐代書法家和書學理論家。好古博雅,工文辭,得名翰墨間。《書譜》為孫過庭撰文和書寫,是一篇具有極高藝術價值的書法理論著作,也是一幅書法巨作。孫過庭《書譜》不但承繼了魏晉以來的書學見解,也是初唐書法創作理論的總結,更為盛唐書法的繁榮發達預先做了充分的準備。  在儒家藝術觀的繼承上,孫過庭對於書法的本質、審美理想、創作的主客觀條件、欣賞的原理等作了詳細地論述。 孫過庭對王羲之草書藝術的繼承具有啟迪後學的意義,當王羲之的書法真跡大量散失時,能有《書譜》這三千五百餘言存世,為後人提供了一種可供參考的優秀典範。 《書譜》在書法理論與實踐方面涉及的範圍很廣,其主要貢獻如下:一、論述傳統與創新的書法審美標準 孫過庭認為古質和今妍同樣應該肯定,關鍵在於學古而不能背離於時代,趨 今尚妍而能不混同流弊。二、論述博涉多優的書法觀念 孫過庭認為,書法家應該兼擅各體,像王羲之一樣融會貫通,「博涉多優」。 他提倡觸類旁通,以提高書法創作能力。三、論情感與書法藝術的關係 孫過庭認為,書法的本質是寫意的、抒情的。因此,各種書體是隨著書家的 情感變化呈現出不同的面貌。四、論書法藝術的創作過程 「五合五乖」是孫過庭《書譜》中著名的創作論,闡釋了創作靈感產生的深 層原因和靈感的諸多特點,對後世影響深遠。五、論書法書寫技法 孫過庭對書藝的學習除了「察」與「擬」的基本工夫,更要積極從事理論 技法的探討,即所謂「執」、「使」、「轉」、「用」之術。六、書法批評與鑑賞 孫過庭對書藝鑑賞的基本態度是,鑑識者要有高水平的技巧與獨立思考的藝 術精神。七、闡述寫作《書譜》的宗旨 孫過庭寫作《書譜》的目的,就是提供學習書法的人,當作規範去閱讀和成 為臨書楷模。 本篇論文後半部重點,嘗試就《書譜》草書技法加以分析,從用筆的方法以及草書的使轉用筆談起,將草書的基本筆法分成八點解析,舉出《書譜》的十四種特殊筆法,並將《書譜》墨跡本和補闕漏的木刻本的字形,隨附在各字例之後。最後透過介紹孫過庭《書譜》之結體特點和體勢變化,學得書法作品佈局謀篇之基本技法。
    Sun Guoh-Tyng was the calligrapher and calligraphy theoretician in Tang Dynasty. He was good at writing and calligrapher. "Shu Puu" written by him was a great book about calligraphy theory and a wonderful calligraphy work. "Shu Puu" was not only inherited Wei Jin''s calligraphy study opinion, also enriched the development of calligraphy in Tang Dynasty.   Inheriting the Confucianist art idea, Sun Guoh-Tyng discussed the calligraphy essence, the esthetic ideal, the subjective and objective condition of creation, the appreciation principle and so on carefully.Sun Guoh-Tyng who inspirited the later students with “Shu Puu”in 3500 words , when Wang Hsi-Chih''s calligraphy authentic work disappeared massively can really be an excellent model. "Shu Puu" involved the calligraphy theory and the practice. Its main contributions are as follows: 1. Discuss the esthetic standard of calligraphy between tradition and innovation.2. Discuss the idea of calligraphy for touching more being excellent.3. Discuss the relationship between motion and the calligraphy art.4. Discuss the creation process of calligraphy art.5. Discuss the skill of calligraphy writing6. Write about the criticism ,evaluation and appreciation of calligraphy7. Expounded the purpose of writing “Shu Puu” . The main idea of the last half of this paper is the analyses of Cursive skill and the use of pen with eight analyses of basic writing method , 14 special writing skills, and make up the lost wooden block-printed book glyph attached after each example word. Finally, learn the basic skill for the distribution of calligraphy work by introducing the feature of construction and change of "Shu Puu".
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
