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林怡君; Lin, Yi-chun 邱敏捷; Min-Chieh Chiu; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 林怡君; Lin, Yi-chun
  • 邱敏捷; Min-Chieh Chiu; 國語文學系國語文教學碩士班
  • 主題: 無住; 心淨; 玄奘; 鳩摩羅什; 支謙; 譯經; 維摩詰; 不二法門; Pure mind; Hsuan-Chuang; Kumara Gupta; Chih-Chien; Interpretation of the sutras; Vimalakirti; Non-abiding; The only way
  • 描述: 《維摩詰經》是初期大乘佛教的重要經典,其佛理精妙,思想與時代潮流相契合,內容兼具文學性、藝術性與戲劇性,是一部廣受社會各階層人士喜愛的佛經。本論文所探討的重點,共分為三大項。一、《維摩詰經》的傳譯與注疏:首先敘述東漢至唐代佛經漢譯的概況,再將現存三本漢譯本的內容進行比較,然後介紹《維摩詰經》的注疏本與注疏者。二、《維摩詰經》的根本思想:本論文針對《維摩詰經》的「心淨則佛土淨」、「無住本立一切法」、「入不二法門」等三個基本思想加以分析、探究。三、《維摩詰經》與六朝、唐朝的文士:自《維摩詰經》漢譯以後,對於歷代文士們產生不少的影響,本章以六朝的支遁、謝靈運和唐朝李白、杜甫、王維、白居易等人為例,分析其文學作品,藉以探討此經對中國文士的影響。《維摩詰經》對現代人而言,既以「空觀」導引眾人,於世間尋求解脫、去執著,更鼓勵救度眾生。它不僅是一部佛教的書籍,也是提供各個階層人士自我提升的典籍。
    The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti was an important Buddhist canon of Mahayana which has profound Buddhistic doctrine. The thoughts expressed in the teaching were capable of catching the trend of the time, and its contents have shown a literary, artistic, and dramatic style that made it a favorable and popular Sutra among people of all walks.The points to be discussed in this thesis are divided into three major items: 1) The interpretation and annotation of The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: which will describe the interpretation of Sutras into Chinese from East Han to Tang dynasties, then make a comparison of the contents among the three existing Chinese interpretation versions, and finally make a brief introduction to the annotation version and the annotator of The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti; 2) The fundamental thinking of The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti. This thesis has focused on three basic ways of thinking, i.e. Pure mind pure land, Non-biding to stand all dharma, and To enter the only way, etc, to analyze and investigate; 3) The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti and the scholars of Six dynasties and Tang dynasty: The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti has great influenced on those scholars since it was translated into Chinese. This thesis has taken Chih-tun and Hsieh Ling-Yun of the Six dynasties and Li Pai, Du Fu, Wang Wei and Pai Chu-I of Tang dynasty as example to analyze their literary works so as to investigate their influence on Chinese scholars.To modern people, The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti not only guides people with an “empty view” to set free from the secular world and avoid being persistent, but also encourage people to save and help all living things. It is not only a book of Buddhism, but also a canon for people of all walks to upgrade themselves.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
