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蘇曉玲; Su, Hsiao-Ling 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 蘇曉玲; Su, Hsiao-Ling
  • 張惠貞; Hui-Chen Chang; 國語文學系中國文學碩士在職專班
  • 主題: 作文教學; 閱讀教學; 國中國文; 散文; 琦君; 情意教學; composition teaching; reading teaching; Chinese in junior high school; Chi-Chun’ prose; the teaching of civics and virtues
  • 描述: 琦君的散文廣受海內外讀者的喜愛,其作品一版再版,跨越了不同的世紀。綜觀其豐碩的散文著作,主題內容豐富,深富教育價值。本研究旨在探討琦君散文在國中國文教學上的應用,並且設計教學活動,具體落實於閱讀教學、作文教學及情意教學中,除了確實培養學生的語文能力外,同時涵養學生崇高的品德與正確的價值觀。論文凡八章,第一章〈緒論〉由前人的研究成果,以明此議題的研究動機,進而探討研究範圍及方法。第二章〈琦君生平〉,則從琦君個性的養成背景、求學歷程及往後的遷離過程來分期,扣緊作者成長過程中相關的人、事,物上,逐步梳理出琦君散文的創作之路,以及何以形成閱讀力量之因。第三章〈琦君散文主題內容〉,從二十六部散文出發,完整歸納出琦君龐大散文著作的五個主題內容,欣賞其豐碩的主題內容外,也以此作為教學應用篇章的選擇參考。第四章〈琦君散文的藝術經營與教育價值〉,由琦君散文主題內容的通盤整理與歸納後,從而分析散文所呈顯的藝術經營,以呼應本研究對於琦君散文教育價值的彰顯與應用。第五章進入教育價值的論述,首先探討琦君散文與閱讀教學。本章筆者從五個主題內容中各挑選一篇文章進行教學活動,採用閱讀理解策略的教學。第六章〈琦君散文與作文教學〉則從作文教學步驟、新式寫作的理論基礎,採用三篇範文進行作文教學活動設計。第七章〈琦君散文與情意教學〉,琦君散文盡是崇高情操的具體詮釋,其內蘊的情意內涵相當豐富多元,可以單獨成章來探討,本章則藉由四篇範文的教學活動設計,以達成陶冶學生的性情、啟發心智,培養人生智慧的教學目標。後面三章教學應用的探討與省思,期許理論與實務的並重,再次彰顯琦君散文的教育價值;也能真正落實九年一貫國語文教學的目標。第八章〈結論〉則提出本論文的總結,並提出未來的展望,以祈使琦君散文能在教學上作最全面的推廣。
    The prose of Chi-Chun is very popular, and many editions have been published and translated into other languages. It cross over different centuries and generations.Taking comprehensive view of her plentiful works, her topic contents are abundant, deeply enriching , and full of educational value.This research paper is an inquiring into the application of the Chinese language teaching of Chi-Chun’s prose in junior as well as the designing of the actvities to be carried out in the teaching of her composition, and the emotions she is trying to convey, and furthermore, to develop students’ language abilities, and to cultivate higher virtues and values.This dissertation consists of eight chapters. In Chapter 1, the foreword, previous researchers results are discussed. As well, the aims of this dissertation will be explained.Chapter 2 This chapter deals with her life. It is broken into three sections, her background, her studies, and her immigration. This chapter will describe her influences and afftects on her works. And the reasons why her writings became so important.Chapter 3 An analysis of 26 of her works. This is subdivided into 5 main categories. These 5 categories will be used to demonstrate how they can be used for teaching.Chapter4< The artistic characteristic of Chi-Chun’s prose and its educational values>Using the information from the previous chapter, an artistic and educational analysis will be performed, and their application in the classroom. An inquiry into the educational values of Chi-Chun’s prose and subsequent teaching methods.Chapter 5An article from each of the 5 categories will be chosen and demonstrated for teaching activies.Chapter6 A theoretical foundation of her compositon teaching steps, and modern writing styles. Three composition teaching activities will be adopted.Chapter7 There are concrete examples of high virtues in her prose. Her works are very diverse and full of vitality. This chapter will use four examples to show how to help students cultivate their personalities, and to inspire their intelligence and wisdom.The last three chapters will deal with applied teaching applications and reflections. Using theories and practice to prove the education values of Chi-Chun’s works. Furthermore, the goal of an 9-year curriculum of Chinese teaching will be realized.Chapter8 A summary of this thesis and putting forward future expectations. Hopefully, this will make Chi-Chun’s prose transcend generations in teaching .
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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