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張翠蘭; Chang, Cui-lan 張惠貞; Hui-zhen Chang; 國語文學系教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 張翠蘭; Chang, Cui-lan
  • 張惠貞; Hui-zhen Chang; 國語文學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 臺灣婚姻; 歌仔冊; Taiwanese marriage; Taiwanese Ballades
  • 描述: 本論文從歌仔冊所反映的台灣婚姻現象做探究分析,藉此見證並認識台灣早期的婚姻狀況,從歌仔冊得知當時社會在婚前的擇偶想法,另外歌仔冊還反映出婚後夫妻彼此生活之道,與家人相處狀況,甚至於夫妻與子女的生活方式,以及歌仔冊中所反映出來的變例婚姻現象。 在第一章的緒論提到本論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法、文獻探討和研究價值。第二章的清代以後臺灣的婚姻現象概述包含清代時期、日治時期到戰後臺灣的婚姻現象。第三章的臺灣閩南語歌仔冊中所反映的臺灣婚姻擇偶現象有媒妁之言、新娘的旺夫命格、財富職業的思量和自由戀愛這些現象。第四章的臺灣閩南語歌仔冊中所反映的臺灣婚姻生活內容先探討歌仔冊中反映的夫妻婚後生活方式,還有妻子與家庭成員的相處關係,接下來是傳宗接代的重要性和父母對子女教養方式。第五章的臺灣閩南語歌仔冊中所反映的變例婚姻現象有媳婦仔的悲苦形象、延續 兩姓的招贅婚姻、男尊女卑的一夫多妻以及露水婚姻的女性議題。第六章的結論得知歌仔冊是反映當時社會的民間文學,而且歌仔冊具有教化功能,再說到有關台灣婚姻的歌仔冊故事內涵及觀念,最後由歌仔冊省思台灣傳統的婚姻現象。 歌仔冊見證了台灣婚姻現象的改變,也從歌仔冊的內容中反映出臺灣傳統婚姻現象以及變例婚姻現象。
    This study aims to analyze the marital situation in Taiwan through Taiwanese Ballades. From this analysis we can recognize the early marital situation in Taiwan, also understand the choosing ideas before getting married in early society. In addition, Taiwanese Ballades reflect the couples’ life style, the interaction with their family, the life style between couples and their children, and the exception of marital situation through Taiwanese Ballades.In chapter one, the introduction mentioned the research motivation, research purpose, the methodology, literature review and research value. Chapter two discussed Taiwanese marital situation after the Ching Dynasty, including the marital situation in the Ching Dynasty, Japanese Occupation and the post-war period. Chapter three investigated the Taiwanese marital preferences including matchmakers’ opinions, brides’ fortunes, consideration of careers and assets and free love. Chapter four mentioned the marital life in Taiwanese Ballades. First, it discussed couples’ life style after getting married. Second, the relationship between the wives and other family numbers were investigated. Finally, the importance of bearing and parenting styles were reviewed. Chapter five reflected the marital exceptions in Taiwanese Ballades including daughter in-law’s miserable image, uxorilocal marriage, multiple wives tradition, and the issue of short marriage. Chapter six concluded that Taiwanese Ballades reflected the contemporary folk literature, and even those Taiwanese Ballades had the teaching functions. Then the concepts of Taiwanese marital situation in Taiwanese Ballades were discussed. At the end the traditional Taiwanese marital situation was also examined. In sum, Taiwanese Ballades witness the change of Taiwanese marital situation. Moreover, from those Taiwanese Ballades, they reflect traditional marital situation and the other exceptions.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
