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周幸慧; Chou, Hsing-hui 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 周幸慧; Chou, Hsing-hui
  • 張清榮; Ching-Jung Chang; 國語文學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 心動奇蹟; 九二一地震; 地震書寫; 少年小說; 921 Earthquake; Earthquake description; Taiwan juvenile novels; Movie “A tale of Mari and three puppies ”
  • 描述: 地震是曾居住過臺灣的人共同的經驗,其中「九二一」大地震重創了臺灣的人民和大地,讓全臺灣居民共同見證了大自然的毀滅力量。地震帶來的破壞,需要重建;地震帶來的傷痛,需要撫平,需要關懷。筆者認為:以地震為題材的少年小說,有其不容忽視的重要性。 臺灣少年小說中,有關九二一地震書寫的研究付諸闕如,而地震書寫是如此重要的課題,因此筆者以此為研究主題。經篩選後,選定七本有關九二一地震書寫的臺灣少年小說,以文本分析法、比較法交互應用,從社會學角度深入探析這七本作品中,地震書寫的呈現方式,進一步比較與地震電影呈現手法的差異。經深入探析後,獲得結論與建議如下:一、 七本少年小說在地震的書寫呈現上各有側重,有多元的面貌。二、 作者們不論是哪一角度的書寫,顧慮還算周延。唯有對地震來襲這部分的「震兆預警」描述不多。三、 電影《心動奇蹟》的觀賞是滔天的海濤;文本的閱讀是涓滴的溪流,各有巧妙,書寫結合電影,應該能得到最完整的學習經驗。四、 文本多展現光明面,對於現實的陰暗面僅是略過而不深入探討,實是缺憾之事,未來的創作者應該將小說內容與社會現象結合。五、 文本裡的人物簡單,心路歷程變化、情節鋪衍單純,線索單一,容易融入故事情節中,但是讀者會不會讀完就隨手一丟,值得創作者多加注意和省思。六、 文本中,受難的主角都是四肢健全者,實際的震災中,身障者不在少數,他們如何在震災後克服身心障礙,值得未來的創作者參考。七、 有志者可以舞台劇、電視劇或電影劇本創作為發展方向。整體說來,臺灣少年小說的地震書寫呈現,傳達出只要我們有信心,震碎的瓦礫仍可以「愛」凝聚,用「希望」共鳴,重新構築出新世紀的溫暖天地。
    People who live in Taiwan almost have experiences of earthquakes, and 921 Earthquake is the most impressed one through these years. This island was attacked strongly as well as people in Taiwan witnessed the destructive power of the nature. The destruction on this island needs to be rebuilt, and people’s pain and sorrow need to be consoled. Therefore, the researcher considers that the theme of earthquake cannot be ignored in Taiwan juvenile novels. In Taiwan juvenile novels, there is very less study about 921 Earthquake, however. The earthquake description is such an important topic. For this reason, the theme of this research is decided. In this research, there are seven Taiwan juvenile novels being selected, which are written about 921 Earthquake. They are analyzed and compared in sociological viewpoint to investigate the expression way of earthquake description. And then, this expression way is also being compared with the presenting skill of the earthquake movie. After the deeply exploration, the part following then is the conclusion and suggestions. 1. Each of the juvenile novels in this research lays special emphasis on different and various descriptions. 2. No matter which emphasis in these novels, the authors are thoroughly considered, besides the part of beforehand warning of earthquakes are less mentioned. 3. It is interesting to contrast the strong moved of the movie and the deep, far touched of the novels. Thus, combing these two different expression ways would acquire the most complete learning experience. 4. In the novels, they usually show much lighter viewpoints rather than the dark reality, which cannot be lost in real life. Therefore, it would be better to connect the stories with the reality in the future. 5. The characters, the plots, the processes, and the clues in these novels are too simple to be well thought-out for teenage readers. This is the problem, which is worth considered.6. In these novels, the main characters are not disabled. However, in real life, disabled victims are not minority. Thus, how could they overcome various problems in their life after earthquakes is also worth discussed.7. The researcher suggests that this theme can be developed continuously for dramas, teleplays, and movies in the future.In sum, the earthquake description in Taiwan juvenile novels presents that as long as we have confidence, the broken pieces still can be repaired by our “love” and “hope”, and finally rebuilt a whole new world.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
