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佘姿慧; She, Tzu-huei 王琅; Lang Wang; 國語文學系教學碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 佘姿慧; She, Tzu-huei
  • 王琅; Lang Wang; 國語文學系教學碩士班
  • 主題: 台灣文學; 東方白; 浪淘沙; 人物研究; Lang Taur Sha"; study of the characters; Taiwanese literature; Dong fang Bai
  • 描述: 本論文以東方白及其大河著作《浪淘沙》的人物為研究主題,東方白本著對文學的堅持,以求真、求善、求美的史筆,耗盡他人生最精壯的十年歲月,寫了一部一百五十萬字的台灣大河小說《浪淘沙》,描繪從西元1895年割日,迄二二八事件後的台灣,空間背景涵蓋台灣本地、日本、中國、南洋及美加等地,三個台灣家族三代人的人事滄桑與悲歡離合的故事,一舉將台灣的大河小說推至高峰。 本論文從東方白的求學成長過程與各個階段師友的文學啟迪中分析出東方白因為父親的不平凡遭遇,加上自己勤寫筆記的習慣,屢屢將生活中的體悟化作一篇篇憾動人心的作品。他秉持著真實的筆觸以及不被文學理論羈絆的特殊創作風格,在參考眾多世界文學名著後,對於寫作大河小說有自己的獨到見解,並因此創作了充滿人道關懷與跨越種族情仇的《浪淘沙》。東方白對筆下人物的命名相當重視,也獨具匠心,但在人物的外型特徵描述上則顯得有些模糊、不夠精細,讀者必須詳讀文本的情節或人物對話中才能探得此人物的身分、性格與際遇。東方白因年輕時旅居加拿大受到女性主義風潮的影響,又有著傳統男性沙文思想,此二因素影響其刻畫書中女性和男性人物角色性格。《浪淘沙》關注的主題除了國族認同,還殷殷期待人人跨越種族的藩籬學會互相尊重,所以可說它是ㄧ本作者對人生思想的寫照,因此本研究以思想與情感的角度切入文本,試圖爬梳出作者對小說主題和人物的巧思與安排,以及對傳統社會男女不平的控訴與主要人物在性格上出現的矛盾與迷思。 台灣人自戰爭中走過來,卻始終陷在認同混亂之中,文本中的三位主角在經歷事件的磨鍊後,已能超越痛苦,去除了種族、國家與宗教的界線,放下仇恨,並打開心靈之窗,學會了以愛和光明來面對人生的種種課題。
    The thesis focuses on Dong Fang Bai and the characters in his book "Lang Taur Sha" (Sand in the Waves). The author insisted on a writing style true to history thus he needed ten of his most productive years to create this 1.5 million character novel. This novel, with its high standard of authenticity, describes Taiwan from 1895 at the advent of the Japanese colonial period to after the event known as February 28th. The story background covers the regions of Taiwan, China, Japan, South China Sea, United States, and Canada. It follows three generations of three different families through the ebb and flow of life - the sorrows of partings and the joys of reunions. The novel has enhanced the position of mainstream historical Taiwanese literature.The researcher analyzes four influences that affected Dong Fang Bai''s writing of his touching work: his study experiences, his life growth experiences, the extraordinary suffering of his father, and his writing mentors. He was also helped by his habit of maintaining a notebook of events surrounding his life. These influences, his persistence to maintain historical authenticity and not conform to the standard writing theories of the time, and his vast knowledge of famous world literature gave him a unique perspective. It allowed him to write a mainstream novel with strengths which lay in its concern for humanity and its ability to surpass ethnic prejudice.Though the author put great emphasize on his characters'' names, he did not elaborate on each individual''s identity and personalities. He purposely created a sense of obscurity only understood by delving into the plot and its dialogue. His immigration to Canada affected his perspective of feminism and male chauvinism, a factor which helped him portray the roles of the men and women in his book."Lang Taur Sha" is concerned less with the differences between races and more with how people can surpass ethnic barriers to learn respect for each other. It could be said that the book describes the author''s outlook on life. This study looks at the aspects of thought and emotion that the author attempted to use with the plot, the figures, and the personalities as he dealt with the contradictions and confusions of traditional society''s unfair treatment of women.Taiwanese who grew up after the war have always felt confused in regards to ethnic identity. The three main character roles surpass the pain and the limitations of race, nationality and religion to throw off the hatred. They are able to open their minds to a life with love and brightness in the future.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR


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