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陳政琳; Chen, Cheng-lin 歐慧敏; Hui-Min OU; 教育經營與管理研究所碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 陳政琳; Chen, Cheng-lin
  • 歐慧敏; Hui-Min OU; 教育經營與管理研究所碩士班
  • 主題: 適應歷程; 暴力行為; 犯罪少年; violence; juvenile delinquents; adjustment
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討犯罪少年因暴力犯罪,進入矯正機構—法務部明陽中學接受教育的適應歷程,以及對犯罪少年發生暴力行為起因作深入探究,試圖確立犯罪少年的心性演變過程,並對少年的適應歷程及思考模式能有較深入之瞭解。本研究係用半結構式深度訪談及參與觀察,以明陽中學6位發生暴力行為的犯罪少年為研究對象,進行質性研究。讓受訪者有充足的時間和空間,來敘述自己的先前經驗、犯罪行為及在明陽中學的適應歷程、與家人互動關係的演變過程。研究結果共分四個部分分別為「家庭關係演變」、「就學生活適應」、「同儕關係發展」、「出校生涯規劃」。由這四個內涵所描繪的適應歷程,可看出少年在這一連串的過程中體悟什麼、觀察什麼、學到什麼,又將如何面對未來的生活。以往的經驗中認為孩子會變壞大都是因為單親家庭或隔代教養所造成的,但是在本研究中可以清楚瞭解到父母親跟孩子的互動和教養關係,才是影響孩子在發生偏差行為和想法時相當關鍵的因素。而犯罪後家人的態度更是左右了少年在校的學習表現和改過向善的決心。就學方面也開始有著很好的進展,願意將基本的學識充實甚至考上科技大學。種種的證據都顯示出學習環境的重要性和態度改變後的可塑性,隨著年歲漸增他們感受到青春不等待人,只有抓住每一個機會讓自己可以重新來過;不僅取得國、高中學歷,而且拿到未來與就業職場相關的丙級證照。在朋友選擇方面經過這個過程的沈澱和反思,慢慢體會出家人和師長不斷勸告的用意。最值得稱許的是他們能夠醒悟衝突不能讓事情圓滿落幕,只會讓事情愈變愈糟糕。會選擇用溝通和冷卻的方式,讓事情慢慢平復不因情緒而製造更多困擾。至於在未來出校後的生涯規劃,在師長們的協助下都有著清晰的藍圖,打算出校後可以按照自己在校的學習和改變有所表現。而他們心中都有一個共同的問題就是害怕被貼標籤,而影響別人對其工作上或就學上的認同。相信這會是沒辦法的擔心和顧慮,只有出校回到社會後才能夠一步一腳印的誠實面對。最後依據研究結論,對矯正教育機關、家庭方面、社會方面與後續研究提出建議。研究者提供下建議供參考:一、對矯正教育的建議(1)辦理法治教育的講座;(2)制定個別化學習歷程;(3)強化生涯規劃的輔導;(4)宗教課程適性化選擇;(5)家庭教育的課程設計。二、對家庭方面的建議(1)親職教育理念的加強;(2)親子良性溝通的建立;(3)出校後的接納與支持。三、對社會方面的建議(1)社會資源的運用;(2)出校後的安置與銜接。
    The purpose of the study is to investigate the adjustment courses among juvenile delinquents in the Ming Yung Correctional High School, to explore the causes of the juvenile violence, so as to establish the courses of their psychological development and to understand more deeply about their adjustment and ways of thinking. The study is conducted by deep semistructual interview and participant observation, which are based on the six juvenile delinquents in the Ming Yung Correctional High School through qualitative research. The interviewees had sufficient time to talk about their experiences, criminal behaviors, the adjustment courses in Ming Yung High School, and the courses of the changing interaction with their family.The study brings about four parts as “the changing relationship with family,” “the adjustment to school life,” “the development of their relationship with schoolmates,” “career planning for the future.” The four parts help show what the juvenile delinquents undertsnad, what they experience, what they learn, and how they are suggested to go for their future. What’s been said by people is that single-parent family and grandparenting are the main reasons why children get astray. But the study suggests that the interaction and relationship between parents and sons are more crucial and that the family’s attitudes toward their sons after the criminal behaviors are very influencial to the sons’ learning and bettering themselves in school. The students in the school started to better themselves quite well by receiving basic knowledge and even getting admitted to the universities of science and technology in Taiwan. All that is seen in the course shows that a good learning environment is important and that the teenagers can better themselves as long as they change their attitudes. They come to realize that time and tides wait for no man and they got to seize the chances to better themselves. Many of them not only successfully graduated from junior high and senior high schools but also get the licenses of graded vocational skills. The teenagers learned to choose friends by deeply thinking and come to realize the advices given by their family and teachers are good for them. What’s worth praising is that they came to understand that conflicts may not result in a peaceful endng but a worsen condition. They learned to choose to communicate and calm down to make everything all right. As to the career planning for the the future after they graduate from the high school, they have a clear map on their minds and believe they can do something good because they’ve learned a lot and got improved in school. The common problem for them is that they are afraid of the negative prejudice among other people. This problem is inevitable and is the challenge they need to respond to step by step after they come back to the society. The study brings about some suggestions for correctional educators, the family, the society and the further research. The author gives the suggestions: 1. suggestions for correctional educators (a)law education (b)individualized learning strategies (c)career planning guide (d)religion program (e)family education 2.suggestions for the family (a)parenting philosophy (b)good communication between parents and children (c)accepting and supporting the teenagers after they graduate 3.suggestions for the society (a)making use of the resource in the society (b)placement and continueing education after they graduate.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
