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吳錦惠; Wu, Jin-hui 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 吳錦惠; Wu, Jin-hui
  • 黃政傑; none; 教育經營與管理研究所博士班
  • 主題: 高級中學; 學校經營; 競爭優勢; senior high school; school management; competitive advantages
  • 描述: 當前面對社會時代變遷、少子化趨勢、廣設高中及高中職社區化等教育政策的衝擊與影響,使得公立或私立高級中學的學校經營可能面臨相當大的困難。本研究因為人力和物力限制,採個案研究並以立意方式選擇位於臺南地區兩所公立、兩所私立高級中學作為研究對象,這四所個案學校皆曾歷經跌落谷底的慘淡經營歷史,努力尋找向上提昇的有效途徑,並尋繹學校經營競爭優勢的具體策略;迄今學校皆已順利向上攀升,辦學績效受到社會各界肯定。本研究旨在探討高級中學經營的變遷歷程,探析高級中學身處谷底的困境來源及策略,並進一步瞭解當前高級中學經營困難以及尋繹競爭優勢的策略與具體規劃。故本研究採取個案研究取徑,運用訪談法、文件分析及實地觀察進行資料蒐集、整理與分析,訪談對象包括校長、主任、組長、教師、學校諮議顧問、學生及家長等,合計39位受訪對象。本研究歸納重要研究結論如下:一、個案高級中學經營的變遷歷程方面:(一)皆經歷學校聲望低落且學生素質嚴重下滑;(二)皆因關鍵人物帶頭革新而促使學校向上提昇。二、高級中學經營身處谷底的困難與尋求向上提昇的策略方面:(一)公立個案高中經營困難有四:缺乏經營特色、學生素質嚴重低落、教育政策影響與學校行政招生人力不足、難破除學生與家長追逐明星高中的迷思;提昇策略有八:學校願景與發展定位明確化、關鍵人物帶頭改革、開辦升學班以提高升學率、經費的節流與開源、學校行政運作與招生行銷的改變、課程與教學的革新、建立歷史傳承並強化教師認同、提昇學生與家長的滿意度等;(二)私立個案高中經營困難有四:教育政策的影響、學校經營特色不明、學校領導觀念保守、招生業務繁重艱辛;提昇策略有六:打造學校特色、績效導向領導、撙節經費並爭取校外資源、學校組織轉型並改變招生行銷策略、課程與教學革新、提昇學生和家長滿意度。三、高級中學「當前」經營困難與競爭優勢策略及具體規劃方面:(一)公立個案高中經營困難有三:難敵私校的招生和行銷策略、景氣不佳造成募款困難、擔心教學「鈍化」而無法有效提升教學品質;競爭優勢策略有九:形塑學校願景邁向優質高中、善用媒體擴大招生宣傳、營造優質學習環境、課程革新多元教學、鼓勵教師參與校務及專業成長、多方增闢財源、建立跨校合作、提高顧客滿意度、加強與社區互動等;(二)私立個案高中經營困難有二:少子化趨勢、增設社區高中擠壓生存空間;競爭優勢的策略有九:確立學校發展方向、強力宣傳擴大招生、擴充基礎軟硬體與科技設施、課程革新多元教學、鼓勵教師參與評鑑提昇專業、學校財務狀況健全、建立跨校合作、提高顧客滿意度、加強與社區互動。四、高級中學不同階段與不同學制類型在經營策略上有所差異。最後,研究者針對學校教育人員、教育主管機關及後續研究提出相關建議。
    The purposes of this research were to discuss the historical changes and situations at the risk of senior high school managements and to explore their management difficulties and problems-solving methods. Furthermore,this research was also to find their strategies for competitive advantages is also the main goal.This research chose qualitative research approach and utilized interviews and document analysis for collections of research data. This researcher interviewed 39 people from senior high schools in Tainan region as experimental subjects as a matter of familiarity and convenience. After the interviews, this researcher established a coding system to help with categorization and analysis of experimental data in order to setup discussion topics along with reviews of other researches in this field.The main research conclusions are as follows:First, some school changes which this research found for four senior high school managements were: (1) school prestiges and students quality had fallen in the past; (2) to promote schools improvement through of key people.Second, the origins and problems-solving methods of school management difficulties were: (1) public senior high schools were lacking management characteristics, students quality experiencing a worsen and school prestiges getting less, students recruitment and pursued to study the star schools blindly for students and parents; the problems-solving methods of school management were that they seeked to establish school visions, changed students recruitment strategies, principals transformative leadership, strived for the funds, curriculum and instruction reform, obtained teachers identification and satisfactory for students and parents. (2) the private senior high schools were: influences from educational policy change, lacking management characteristics, leaderships were excessively conservative; the problems-solving methods of school management were that they seeked to establish school characteristics , strived for funds,changed the methods of school management, curriculum and instruction reform, obtained teachers identification and satisfactory for students and parents.Third, after senior high schools turn arounded, the management problems and main competitive advantages strategies now were: (1) public senior high schools were:private schools strong competition, fund raising was more and more difficult,lacking teaching profession growth; the main schools’ competitive advantages strategies were: establishing school visions, improved learning environment and equipments, curriculum reform and multiple instruction , teacher management and profession development, financed for school development, established partnerships between schools and communities and enhanced satisfaction for parents and students, and so on.(2) the private senior high schools were: students recruitment were getting short, and quantities of community senior high schools increased; the main schools competitive advantages strategies were:ensure the directon of development, renew strategies of students recruitment, technology utilized, curriculum reform and multiple instruction , teacher management and profession development, financed for school development, established partnerships between schools and communities, and so on.Fourth, there are divergences from the different educational stage and system.Finally, this researcher proposed some suggestions in three aspects: (1) school improvement; (2) educational administration institution; (3) future researches in this and related topics.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
