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顏百鴻; Yen, Bai-hung 歐陽誾; Yin OuYang; 教育學系科技發展與傳播碩士班 2009


  • 題名:
  • 著者: 顏百鴻; Yen, Bai-hung
  • 歐陽誾; Yin OuYang; 教育學系科技發展與傳播碩士班
  • 主題: 國小學生; 網路學習滿意度; 網路參與程度; 網路學習意願; 激勵機制; elementary students; internet learning satisfaction; internet learning willingness; Incentive mechanism
  • 描述: 本研究旨在探討接受不同激勵機制之國小六年級學生,其對網路學習意願、網路參與程度和網路學習滿意度之差異、學生對於網路學習中不同激勵機制的看法,以及教師對實施本網路學習活動的省思及改進建議,期望研究結果能作為國小實施網路學習活動的參考。本研究以台南縣某國小六年級三班學生作為研究對象,二班為實驗組分別為虛擬代幣組和積分頭銜組,一班為控制組,進行為期六週的網路學習活動。本研究採準實驗研究不等組前後測設計,實驗組與控制組於網路實驗活動前後均接受網路學習意願量表,而實驗組學生在實驗活動後接受網路學習滿意度量表的測試。六週網路實驗活動後,分別從二組實驗組學生中,各抽取發表總數最多與最少的學生各三名進行半結構性訪談。本研究獲致結論如下:一、接受網路學習激勵的學生在網路學習意願的得分顯著優於控制組學生。二、接受網路學習激勵之積分頭銜組的學生在網路學習參與程度之評論回覆文章方面表顯著優於控制組。三、接受不同激勵機制之積分頭銜組的學生在網路學習滿意度中之學習活動方面的得分顯著優於控制組。四、接受不同激勵機制的學生對網路學習均給予正面肯定。
    The purposes of this study were to explore the difference in sixth-graders accepting different incentive mechanisms between internet learning willingness, internet participation and internet satisfaction, and to understand students’ opinions about different incentive mechanisms in internet learning, and to understand the teacher’s reflection and suggestions about internet learning activities. The subjects of this study were three sixth-grade classes which two of them were experimental groups, virtual-coin group and accumulated-score group, and one another was contrast group. These three groups were involved in a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest to evaluate their internet learning willingness, internet learning participation and internet learning satisfaction. After six weeks, six students were selected to go on the method of semi-structured interviews to gather the descriptive data from the most and the least three students in posting articles.The results of this study were as follows:1.Between experimental and contrast groups receiving different incentive mechanism showed significant differences on internet learning willingness.2.Between experimental group of accumulated scores and contrast group showed significant differences on replying articles of internet learning participation.3.Between experimental group of accumulated scores and contrast group showed significant differences on internet learning satisfaction.4.The students accepting different incentive mechanisms gave the positive affirmation in internet learning activities.
  • 建立日期: 2009
  • 格式: 121 bytes
  • 語言: 中文
  • 識別號:
  • 資源來源: NUTN IR
